Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cambodia, Iran boost bilateral cooperation

Cambodia, Iran boost bilateral cooperation

by Chhorng Long Heng

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation H.E. Hor Nam Hong on 16 August said that sanction of Iran is not resolution. The deal should happen through coordination and peaceful deal,” he told reporters at the ministry after reporters questioned about his visit to Iran .

He highlighted that Cambodia had experience on the economic sanction from other countries after 1979 but Cambodia could survive by herself.

Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong visited Iran to strengthen bilateral cooperation including economic and trade fields and both sides reached to sign the MoU of oil cooperation. Iran is in Middle East , rich of oil and gas and one of the largest producers of oil in the world.

The MoU will help Cambodia and Iran could provide the technical assistance of training the Cambodian officials and experts on petroleum field. Cambodia expected to pump oil in 2012 from the offshore.

In the visit to Iran, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong led the Cambodian delegation accompanies senior officials from foreign ministry and Ho Vichit, vice chairman of the National Petroleum Authority to Iran, the statement from foreign ministry said last week. Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong met his counterpart Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki for bilateral talks on expansion of ties in the areas of political, economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The two sides discussed several issues such as trade, tourism, investments and cooperation in tariffs, facilitating taxation regulations and participating in joint ventures, Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki quoted as saying by Iranian media. Iran and Cambodia stressed their willingness to bolster bilateral ties in the areas of economy and energy, he said.

In a separate case, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong met with the Iranian Commerce Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari on possible ways to boost bilateral cooperation. In this meeting Ghazanfari expressed Iran ’s readiness to expand ties with Cambodia in different fields such as agriculture, industry, oil and petrochemical, exporting technical and engineering services and exchanging technical delegations.

“The Iranian minister went on to note that Cambodia can play an important role in deepening Iran ’s relations with ASEAN member countries,” Iran News Agency reported. Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong told Iranian commerce minister that tourism industry also is one of the most important sectors in expansion of ties between the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong paid the courtesy call on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Cambodia has had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1992.

The two countries’ trade value so far this year stood at $539,000. Iran exported $120,000 worth of goods to Cambodia during this period while importing $66,000 worth of goods from the Southeast Asian nation, Iranian Media reported.

Iran and Cambodia have recently expanded their parliamentary relations and exchange’s visit of lawmakers. In May, Cambodia ’s Parliament Speaker Heng Samrin called for the development of all ties between Tehran and Phnom Penh .

In the past few years, Cambodia has strengthened the cooperation closely with the countries in the Middle East region to attract investors from area to make business here and attract the tourists there to see here. Qatar , Kuwait and Saudi Arabic, and other countries in region tied closely for bilateral cooperation at both national and international stages.


ASEAN Secretary General Visits Cambodia

ASEAN Secretary General Visits Cambodia

by Chhorng Long Heng

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E Hor Nam Hong on August 16 met with visiting ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuvan on the talks on main issues of ASEAN affairs and border issues between kingdom of Cambodia and kingdom of Thailand .

The role of ASEAN secretary general is very important for building the ASEAN community which planned to achieve in 2015,”Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong told reporters at the ministry after the half an hour talk with Dr. Surin.

ASEAN needs to integrate fully to reach to establish the ASEAN communities in 2015, He added. We also have talked about the cooperation of Cambodian Muslim association and Thai Muslim association in the purpose of strengthening cooperation for mutual benefits.

Dr. Surin led the Thai Muslim association here to let the communities know each other for making closer cooperation. “The religious communities will have to keep stability, peace, and development in region,” Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong added.

Foreign Minister continued that ASEAN needs to cooperate with other regional and international organizations such as African Unions, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( an intergovernmental mutual-security organization which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). “ASEAN have to strengthen the cooperation with other regional organizations to build prestige and reputation of ASEAN and fighting against terrorism,” he stresses.

He added that Chairman of ASEAN ( Vietnam ) and other ASEAN members also need time to decide on border issues between Cambodia and Thailand as Deputy Prime Minister sent the letter for help on the issues last week.

In a separate case, Dr. Surin also paid the courtesy call on Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on August 16. “Two leaders exchanged the views about border issues between Cambodia and Thailand ,”H.E. Sry Thamarong, Minister attached to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen told reporters after the two hour talks.

Both leaders had talked from heartfelt and honesty and urge to keep maximum restraints for border issues and seek peaceful deal, Sry said, adding that now Cambodia is following up the behavior of Thai government over border issues.

He stated that Cambodia and Thailand as ASEAN members need to solve border issues through peaceful deal and consensus. That is honor for ASEAN. Dr. Surin told Samdech that late this year it will have a large community of Muslim community to visit here to help Cambodian community in the country.

Dr. Suirn told reporters at the foreign ministry that on border issues, both sides need to solve it through peaceful deals. Dr. Surin quoted as saying by The Bangkok Post that Samdehc Prime Minister Hun Sen and Thai PM Abhisit expected to meet at Brussels in the sideline of ASEAN-Europe in October.

The border issue between Cambodia and Thailand intensified tensions for late development when Thai side plan to use forces through secret map which was drawn unilaterally to take Cambodia’s territory of 4.6 square km near 11th century Khmer Preah Vihear temple.

From that, Samdech PM Hun Sen sent a letter to secretary general of UN and president of Security Council respectively to help deal issues. Samdech PM Hun Sen said that UN SG Ban will visit here in October this year. UN SG Ban gave green light to help mediate on border issue for two countries, the statement from UN center said.

DPM Hor Nam Hong also sent the letter to ASEAN chairman ( Vietnam ) and other ASEAN countries to help deal border issues to avoid the large scale armed clash. On July 15, 2008, Thailand sent troop to encroach the area in a week later after Cambodia listed successfully the temple with the world heritage committee on July 7, 2008 and the late development Thailand has opposed the management plan of the temple. Thailand urged Cambodia to jointly list but Cambodia has not agreed to do so.

Dr. Surin here is to attend a major international pandemic preparedness exercise in Phnom Penh on Friday which is held on 16-20 August, having explored key issues that Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) need to consider when preparing to face future pandemics. The event, which was a first-of-its-kind anywhere in the world, prepare for the occurrence of a major pandemic. ###

Cambodia to host ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2011

Cambodia to host ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2011

by Chhorng Long Heng
Cambodia will host the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) in January in 2011 with expecting to attract hundreds of delegates from state and privates and other stakeholders to attend the event in boosting regional tourism field to be large destination for foreigners under the theme of "ASEAN - A World of Wonders and Diversity", senior tourism officials and experts said on August 18.

“We are proud and honored for Phnom Penh capital to be chosen once again to host ATF. There has been a lot of development in infrastructure and facilities since Phnom Penh first hosted ATF in 2003. Siem Reap province, home of world heritage and the archeological sites, and Preah Sihanouk province, the most beautiful and pristine beach, have been selected for pre- and post-tours,” H.E.Thong Khon said in his message before working group for preparation of the host event.

Cambodia will host ATF 2011 and is all geared up to welcome over 1,600 delegates which includes 400 international buyers and 100 international media, Dr. Thong Khon said, adding that ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a cooperative regional effort to promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region as one tourist destination. This annual event involves all the tourism industry sectors of the 10 member nations of ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia , Indonesia , Lao PDR, Malaysia , Myanmar , Philippines , Singapore , Thailand and Vietnam .

“On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Host Committee of the 30th ASEAN Tourism Forum, it is my great honor and pleasure to extend our cordial invitation to you to participate in the upcoming 30th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2011) to be held at the newly built Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia from 15 to 21 January, 2011 under the theme of "ASEAN - A World of Wonders and Diversity". Dr. Thong Khon and Chairman of ATF 2011 Host Committee said.

He added that as host of ATF 2011, it is my great pleasure to warmly welcome all distinguished delegates and guests to ATF 2011 in Cambodia with our gracious hospitality and we wish you a great success and pleasant stay in Cambodia- Kingdom of Wonder. Each year, the hosting of ATF is rotated among the member countries. ATF 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of this event since its inauguration in Malaysia in 1981.

Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia has appointed TTG Asia Media event organizer for TRAVEX, the Travel Exchange component of the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2011 in Cambodia . This will be the second time TTG organizes TRAVEX for Cambodia ; the first time was in 2003 when Cambodia first hosted ATF.

TTG Asia Media Pte Ltd is the region's leading travel and tourism business information and access provider, as well as a leading organizer and event manager of travel trade shows in Asia, including IT&CMA (Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia), IT&CM China, CTW (Corporate Travel World) Asia-Pacific, ITS (International Travel Show) Thailand 2004 and 2005, Thailand Travel Mart (TTM) Plus 2005.

TTG also has a good track record of organizing the TRAVEX component of ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 1998, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2010. It also publishes five titles targeted at distinct sectors of the travel trade: TTG Asia, TTG China, TTG India, TTGmice and TTG-BTmice China . These trade shows and publications provide the best marketing access to Asia-Pacific's travel marketplace, influencers and deciders. Last month, Cambodia hosted the land transport for tourists in greater Mekong sub -region (GMS) to facilitate the administrative and legal procedures for tourists who crossed the border in the region and visa exemption is a core thing that needs to deal for these countries in attraction of the foreigners to see this region.

The ministry is trying to develop more resorts to attract the tourists and attract the investors to expand tourism industry in the country and job creation for local people, and provide benefits for economic revenue,” Keo Phoung, director general of tourism resorts department of tourism ministry told SEAW by phone. Keo added that some tourism investors sometimes created matters because some of them did not follow the contract with development council. That is our concern,” he said, adding that some island in offshore of Sihanouk was granted or rented by the investors from the government to develop but the investors did not process the project. Tourism industry is one of four pillars for economic growth of the country after agriculture, garment sector and construction.

The data from ministry said that in 2010, Cambodia will get about 2.4 million visitors with collecting 1.8 billion US dollars revenue. In 2015, it expected to get 3.5 million foreign tourists with money of $2.8 billion. In 2009, the country gained about 1.5 billion US dollars from tourism industry with 2.16 million foreigners increasing 2 per cent. For the first semester this year, it raised about 12 per cent if comparing with last year standing about one million tourists. On august 18, with support form Australian side, Cambodia strengthened the conservation of Tonel Sap Lake for eco-tourism to protect biodiversity and help poor living there. The ministry created 170 local communities in contribution of new tourism product of Tonle Sap Lake , a largest fresh water lake in region.

Bun Tee, the head of tourism guide association said that generally the number of the tourists arrived here this year is good perspective. “The economic recovery of the world is improved and the visitors also started to make the trip to see other places in country and region, he explained. Eco-tourism is a key for green tourism industry, he noted. Siem reap is home of Angkor wat temple, coastal region like Preah Sihanouk and forest plains of northeastern region of the country, Phnom Penh are still attractive places for foreigners to see. Tourism industry is directly providing money to local people to help poverty reduction,” Tee added.


Cambodia’s Climate Change is cross –sectoral issue

Cambodia’s Climate Change is cross –sectoral issue

by Chhorng Long Heng

The Royal Government of Cambodia and its development partners on August 18 stressed in the inception work of climate change project that on the need for integrated efforts under different climate change-related initiatives is to ensure high efficiency in helping the country to respond to the impact of this global problem.

The message came during the inception workshop of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) which was held today. The event marked the beginning of a new implementation phase of the CCCA following its launch on 25 February this year. The aim of the workshop was to assist the team to understand and take ownership of the objectives and the expected results of the programme. It will also include, among other issues, review of the progress made during the inception phase, discussion of grant guidelines, discussion of capacity development approach and harmonization and expected results of the work of the CCCA initiative first year, 2010-2011.

H.E. Dr. Mok Mareth, Senior Minister and Minister of Environment, Chairman of the National Climate Change Committee, said in opening remark that the workshop by reiterating the high attention of the Royal Government of Cambodia is tackling impacts of climate change as a strategic priority for reducing poverty.

“We are undertaking this task at a time when climate change-related issues are becoming more and more serious, requiring the utmost attention in our national development agenda,” the minister said in the occasion of opening session.

“Because climate change is a cross-sectoral issue directly concerning ministries and institutions that are charged with tasks of national development, the Royal Government of Cambodia has recognised the need to streamline climate change issues into the national policy and the socio-economic development plan at national and sub-national levels, as well as into other relevant sectors,” he added.

Cambodia, where some 80 percent of the population live in the countryside and depend on agriculture for livelihoods, is deemed vulnerable to impacts of climate change events such as drought, erratic patterns of rain falls, and flooding. However, along with these challenges there are also opportunities for funding to least developed countries like Cambodia. But Cambodia needs to prepare and strengthen its institutional capacity to make use of those opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development.

The CCCA, a multi-donor funded initiative, was created for this objective. The CCCA will strengthen the key institutions – including the National Committee on Climate Change, the Climate Change Department, and key climate change functional units within sectors at national and sub-national levels. The aim is to support the integration of climate change considerations into policy and planning processes to build a national adaptation system.

The CCCA initiative is supported by the Climate Change Trust Fund of US$8.9 million – which covers the period 2010-2012 – from the European Union, UNDP, SIDA, and DANIDA, the representatives of which also attended the workshop on Wednesday.

For climate change impacts are too big for any single project, ministry or development partner to act alone, it is crucial to consolidate and harmonise different initiatives through the promotion of a National Programme for climate change, Rafael Dochao-Moreno, ChargĂ© d’Affaires, European Union Delegation to Cambodia, said in his speech on behalf of all the CCCA donors. “The CCCA is NOT a programme of the Ministry of Environment; it is a programme of the National Climate Change Committee and as such requires commitment and engagement from all ministries,” Rafael said.

“We propose that a consolidated effort be made by all involved in climate change to support the establishment of a National Programme for climate change – to be established by the Government, with the support of development partners and civil society organizations – to align climate change initiatives and donor support with national strategies and priorities,” he said.“A programmatic approach can reduce transactions costs, strengthen national ownership and leadership, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness in order to promote greater impacts,” he added.

Climate change in the country also is concern on the issue of fish product and danger on Mekong dolphin after it affected the level of water of Mekong River. To contribute in climate change, Cambodia also will plant the forest to 60 per cent of land area by 2015,” Cheav Kim Srun, head of forest administration said previously.

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Mekong River countries increases cooperation with China and Burma

MRC countries increase cooperation with China and Myanmar

by Chhorng Long Heng

Representatives from the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Member Countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam on August 27 met with Chinese and Myanmar officials in Phnom Penh.

“They discuss opportunities for increased levels of cooperation in managing the upper and lower Mekong River Basins. The meeting discusses expansion of cooperation in data and information sharing; further cooperation in assessing the opportunities and impacts of proposed upstream and downstream hydropower schemes; increased initiatives for joint environmental management; and enhanced navigation between the MRC Member Countries and the two upstream countries says the inter-governmental Mekong river basin organization,” Khy Lim, communication officer of MRC in Phnom Penh told SEAW

He added that today’s meeting is the first since the Hua Hin Summit in April this year. At the Summit, representatives of the Chinese and Myanmar governments indicated a strong willingness to work at a much closer level with downstream countries.

“We have already made a lot of progress since the Summit and will be discussing a range of options that have been explored in the past few months for increasing the areas where we can further work together,” said Jeremy Bird, CEO of the MRC Secretariat at the opening of the meeting quoted as saying in the statement.

“For example, the training course on flood and disaster risk management organized by China in June 2010 for Mekong countries was an excellent first step to future capacity building in the region,” said Mr. Bird.

China and Myanmar have a long-standing agreement on cooperation with the MRC and have been Dialogue Partners with the organization since 1996 with China providing upstream hydro-meteorological data during the wet season since 2002 that the MRC says plays an important role in its flood forecasting.

China says at the meeting that “its government is ready to continue to deepen its cooperation with the neighbours to promote common progress and development in the region.” “I’m confident that a prosperous Mekong region is not far away, given our joint efforts,” said Mr. Diao Mingsheng, head of delegation of the People’s Republic of China to the meeting.

“Our continued cooperation has brought substantial benefits to all the people in the riparian countries, and the Chinese government always attaches much importance to the dialogue with the MRC and will continuously offer our strong support to contribute to the sustainable development of the Lancang-Mekong sub-region,” added Mr. Diao.

The MRC says that China in particular has intensified its cooperation with downstream Lancang/Mekong countries. In June a delegation of MRC Member Countries and its Secretariat officials visited the recently built Xiaowan and Jing Hong dams on the Lancang River in Yunnan and met officials in Beijing where the MRC says that China provided information on the planning and design of its hydropower projects and confirmed that the natural minimum flow downstream will not be reduced and that adequate standards of water quality will be maintained.

The visit followed on from two visits made to Yunnan by MRC modeling and hydropower experts who, together with Chinese agencies, providing inputs to the on-going Strategic Environmental Assessment of proposed mainstream dams in the mainstream of the Lower Mekong Basin.

“China is increasingly recognizing the mutual benefits of adopting a more open approach to the trans-boundary management of water resources in the basin and today’s meeting, as well as the joint efforts that have continued throughout the year, are examples of an increasingly strong cooperation that will lead to a better understanding and awareness of both the risks and opportunities associated with upstream developments on downstream countries,” said Mr. Bird.

The cooperation with Myanmar, the MRC says, has been furthered by recent mission of the MRC Member Countries and the MRC to Yangon and Naypyidaw to follow up on areas of cooperation as committed at the MRC Summit in April.

“We would like to reaffirm our continuous cooperation with the MRC through the well-established mechanisms in areas of drought management, navigation and climate change,” said H.E U Nyunt Hlaing, Ambassador of the Union of Myanmar to Lao PDR who led Myanmar delegation to the meeting.

He said Myanmar is willing to further cooperate with the MRC and China in human resource development, technical cooperation, information sharing and active participation in MRC-facilitated events.

The Dialogue Meetings are an annual event whereby the MRC engages with its Dialogue Partners on its cooperation framework and discussions on how the four Member Countries of the MRC can increase their cooperation with the upstream neighbors. ##