Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cambodia, Iran boost bilateral cooperation

Cambodia, Iran boost bilateral cooperation

by Chhorng Long Heng

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation H.E. Hor Nam Hong on 16 August said that sanction of Iran is not resolution. The deal should happen through coordination and peaceful deal,” he told reporters at the ministry after reporters questioned about his visit to Iran .

He highlighted that Cambodia had experience on the economic sanction from other countries after 1979 but Cambodia could survive by herself.

Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong visited Iran to strengthen bilateral cooperation including economic and trade fields and both sides reached to sign the MoU of oil cooperation. Iran is in Middle East , rich of oil and gas and one of the largest producers of oil in the world.

The MoU will help Cambodia and Iran could provide the technical assistance of training the Cambodian officials and experts on petroleum field. Cambodia expected to pump oil in 2012 from the offshore.

In the visit to Iran, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong led the Cambodian delegation accompanies senior officials from foreign ministry and Ho Vichit, vice chairman of the National Petroleum Authority to Iran, the statement from foreign ministry said last week. Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong met his counterpart Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki for bilateral talks on expansion of ties in the areas of political, economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The two sides discussed several issues such as trade, tourism, investments and cooperation in tariffs, facilitating taxation regulations and participating in joint ventures, Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki quoted as saying by Iranian media. Iran and Cambodia stressed their willingness to bolster bilateral ties in the areas of economy and energy, he said.

In a separate case, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong met with the Iranian Commerce Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari on possible ways to boost bilateral cooperation. In this meeting Ghazanfari expressed Iran ’s readiness to expand ties with Cambodia in different fields such as agriculture, industry, oil and petrochemical, exporting technical and engineering services and exchanging technical delegations.

“The Iranian minister went on to note that Cambodia can play an important role in deepening Iran ’s relations with ASEAN member countries,” Iran News Agency reported. Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong told Iranian commerce minister that tourism industry also is one of the most important sectors in expansion of ties between the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong paid the courtesy call on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Cambodia has had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1992.

The two countries’ trade value so far this year stood at $539,000. Iran exported $120,000 worth of goods to Cambodia during this period while importing $66,000 worth of goods from the Southeast Asian nation, Iranian Media reported.

Iran and Cambodia have recently expanded their parliamentary relations and exchange’s visit of lawmakers. In May, Cambodia ’s Parliament Speaker Heng Samrin called for the development of all ties between Tehran and Phnom Penh .

In the past few years, Cambodia has strengthened the cooperation closely with the countries in the Middle East region to attract investors from area to make business here and attract the tourists there to see here. Qatar , Kuwait and Saudi Arabic, and other countries in region tied closely for bilateral cooperation at both national and international stages.


ASEAN Secretary General Visits Cambodia

ASEAN Secretary General Visits Cambodia

by Chhorng Long Heng

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E Hor Nam Hong on August 16 met with visiting ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuvan on the talks on main issues of ASEAN affairs and border issues between kingdom of Cambodia and kingdom of Thailand .

The role of ASEAN secretary general is very important for building the ASEAN community which planned to achieve in 2015,”Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong told reporters at the ministry after the half an hour talk with Dr. Surin.

ASEAN needs to integrate fully to reach to establish the ASEAN communities in 2015, He added. We also have talked about the cooperation of Cambodian Muslim association and Thai Muslim association in the purpose of strengthening cooperation for mutual benefits.

Dr. Surin led the Thai Muslim association here to let the communities know each other for making closer cooperation. “The religious communities will have to keep stability, peace, and development in region,” Deputy Prime Minister Hor Nam Hong added.

Foreign Minister continued that ASEAN needs to cooperate with other regional and international organizations such as African Unions, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( an intergovernmental mutual-security organization which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). “ASEAN have to strengthen the cooperation with other regional organizations to build prestige and reputation of ASEAN and fighting against terrorism,” he stresses.

He added that Chairman of ASEAN ( Vietnam ) and other ASEAN members also need time to decide on border issues between Cambodia and Thailand as Deputy Prime Minister sent the letter for help on the issues last week.

In a separate case, Dr. Surin also paid the courtesy call on Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on August 16. “Two leaders exchanged the views about border issues between Cambodia and Thailand ,”H.E. Sry Thamarong, Minister attached to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen told reporters after the two hour talks.

Both leaders had talked from heartfelt and honesty and urge to keep maximum restraints for border issues and seek peaceful deal, Sry said, adding that now Cambodia is following up the behavior of Thai government over border issues.

He stated that Cambodia and Thailand as ASEAN members need to solve border issues through peaceful deal and consensus. That is honor for ASEAN. Dr. Surin told Samdech that late this year it will have a large community of Muslim community to visit here to help Cambodian community in the country.

Dr. Suirn told reporters at the foreign ministry that on border issues, both sides need to solve it through peaceful deals. Dr. Surin quoted as saying by The Bangkok Post that Samdehc Prime Minister Hun Sen and Thai PM Abhisit expected to meet at Brussels in the sideline of ASEAN-Europe in October.

The border issue between Cambodia and Thailand intensified tensions for late development when Thai side plan to use forces through secret map which was drawn unilaterally to take Cambodia’s territory of 4.6 square km near 11th century Khmer Preah Vihear temple.

From that, Samdech PM Hun Sen sent a letter to secretary general of UN and president of Security Council respectively to help deal issues. Samdech PM Hun Sen said that UN SG Ban will visit here in October this year. UN SG Ban gave green light to help mediate on border issue for two countries, the statement from UN center said.

DPM Hor Nam Hong also sent the letter to ASEAN chairman ( Vietnam ) and other ASEAN countries to help deal border issues to avoid the large scale armed clash. On July 15, 2008, Thailand sent troop to encroach the area in a week later after Cambodia listed successfully the temple with the world heritage committee on July 7, 2008 and the late development Thailand has opposed the management plan of the temple. Thailand urged Cambodia to jointly list but Cambodia has not agreed to do so.

Dr. Surin here is to attend a major international pandemic preparedness exercise in Phnom Penh on Friday which is held on 16-20 August, having explored key issues that Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) need to consider when preparing to face future pandemics. The event, which was a first-of-its-kind anywhere in the world, prepare for the occurrence of a major pandemic. ###

Cambodia to host ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2011

Cambodia to host ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2011

by Chhorng Long Heng
Cambodia will host the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) in January in 2011 with expecting to attract hundreds of delegates from state and privates and other stakeholders to attend the event in boosting regional tourism field to be large destination for foreigners under the theme of "ASEAN - A World of Wonders and Diversity", senior tourism officials and experts said on August 18.

“We are proud and honored for Phnom Penh capital to be chosen once again to host ATF. There has been a lot of development in infrastructure and facilities since Phnom Penh first hosted ATF in 2003. Siem Reap province, home of world heritage and the archeological sites, and Preah Sihanouk province, the most beautiful and pristine beach, have been selected for pre- and post-tours,” H.E.Thong Khon said in his message before working group for preparation of the host event.

Cambodia will host ATF 2011 and is all geared up to welcome over 1,600 delegates which includes 400 international buyers and 100 international media, Dr. Thong Khon said, adding that ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a cooperative regional effort to promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region as one tourist destination. This annual event involves all the tourism industry sectors of the 10 member nations of ASEAN: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia , Indonesia , Lao PDR, Malaysia , Myanmar , Philippines , Singapore , Thailand and Vietnam .

“On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Host Committee of the 30th ASEAN Tourism Forum, it is my great honor and pleasure to extend our cordial invitation to you to participate in the upcoming 30th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2011) to be held at the newly built Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia from 15 to 21 January, 2011 under the theme of "ASEAN - A World of Wonders and Diversity". Dr. Thong Khon and Chairman of ATF 2011 Host Committee said.

He added that as host of ATF 2011, it is my great pleasure to warmly welcome all distinguished delegates and guests to ATF 2011 in Cambodia with our gracious hospitality and we wish you a great success and pleasant stay in Cambodia- Kingdom of Wonder. Each year, the hosting of ATF is rotated among the member countries. ATF 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of this event since its inauguration in Malaysia in 1981.

Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia has appointed TTG Asia Media event organizer for TRAVEX, the Travel Exchange component of the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2011 in Cambodia . This will be the second time TTG organizes TRAVEX for Cambodia ; the first time was in 2003 when Cambodia first hosted ATF.

TTG Asia Media Pte Ltd is the region's leading travel and tourism business information and access provider, as well as a leading organizer and event manager of travel trade shows in Asia, including IT&CMA (Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia), IT&CM China, CTW (Corporate Travel World) Asia-Pacific, ITS (International Travel Show) Thailand 2004 and 2005, Thailand Travel Mart (TTM) Plus 2005.

TTG also has a good track record of organizing the TRAVEX component of ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 1998, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2010. It also publishes five titles targeted at distinct sectors of the travel trade: TTG Asia, TTG China, TTG India, TTGmice and TTG-BTmice China . These trade shows and publications provide the best marketing access to Asia-Pacific's travel marketplace, influencers and deciders. Last month, Cambodia hosted the land transport for tourists in greater Mekong sub -region (GMS) to facilitate the administrative and legal procedures for tourists who crossed the border in the region and visa exemption is a core thing that needs to deal for these countries in attraction of the foreigners to see this region.

The ministry is trying to develop more resorts to attract the tourists and attract the investors to expand tourism industry in the country and job creation for local people, and provide benefits for economic revenue,” Keo Phoung, director general of tourism resorts department of tourism ministry told SEAW by phone. Keo added that some tourism investors sometimes created matters because some of them did not follow the contract with development council. That is our concern,” he said, adding that some island in offshore of Sihanouk was granted or rented by the investors from the government to develop but the investors did not process the project. Tourism industry is one of four pillars for economic growth of the country after agriculture, garment sector and construction.

The data from ministry said that in 2010, Cambodia will get about 2.4 million visitors with collecting 1.8 billion US dollars revenue. In 2015, it expected to get 3.5 million foreign tourists with money of $2.8 billion. In 2009, the country gained about 1.5 billion US dollars from tourism industry with 2.16 million foreigners increasing 2 per cent. For the first semester this year, it raised about 12 per cent if comparing with last year standing about one million tourists. On august 18, with support form Australian side, Cambodia strengthened the conservation of Tonel Sap Lake for eco-tourism to protect biodiversity and help poor living there. The ministry created 170 local communities in contribution of new tourism product of Tonle Sap Lake , a largest fresh water lake in region.

Bun Tee, the head of tourism guide association said that generally the number of the tourists arrived here this year is good perspective. “The economic recovery of the world is improved and the visitors also started to make the trip to see other places in country and region, he explained. Eco-tourism is a key for green tourism industry, he noted. Siem reap is home of Angkor wat temple, coastal region like Preah Sihanouk and forest plains of northeastern region of the country, Phnom Penh are still attractive places for foreigners to see. Tourism industry is directly providing money to local people to help poverty reduction,” Tee added.


Cambodia’s Climate Change is cross –sectoral issue

Cambodia’s Climate Change is cross –sectoral issue

by Chhorng Long Heng

The Royal Government of Cambodia and its development partners on August 18 stressed in the inception work of climate change project that on the need for integrated efforts under different climate change-related initiatives is to ensure high efficiency in helping the country to respond to the impact of this global problem.

The message came during the inception workshop of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) which was held today. The event marked the beginning of a new implementation phase of the CCCA following its launch on 25 February this year. The aim of the workshop was to assist the team to understand and take ownership of the objectives and the expected results of the programme. It will also include, among other issues, review of the progress made during the inception phase, discussion of grant guidelines, discussion of capacity development approach and harmonization and expected results of the work of the CCCA initiative first year, 2010-2011.

H.E. Dr. Mok Mareth, Senior Minister and Minister of Environment, Chairman of the National Climate Change Committee, said in opening remark that the workshop by reiterating the high attention of the Royal Government of Cambodia is tackling impacts of climate change as a strategic priority for reducing poverty.

“We are undertaking this task at a time when climate change-related issues are becoming more and more serious, requiring the utmost attention in our national development agenda,” the minister said in the occasion of opening session.

“Because climate change is a cross-sectoral issue directly concerning ministries and institutions that are charged with tasks of national development, the Royal Government of Cambodia has recognised the need to streamline climate change issues into the national policy and the socio-economic development plan at national and sub-national levels, as well as into other relevant sectors,” he added.

Cambodia, where some 80 percent of the population live in the countryside and depend on agriculture for livelihoods, is deemed vulnerable to impacts of climate change events such as drought, erratic patterns of rain falls, and flooding. However, along with these challenges there are also opportunities for funding to least developed countries like Cambodia. But Cambodia needs to prepare and strengthen its institutional capacity to make use of those opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development.

The CCCA, a multi-donor funded initiative, was created for this objective. The CCCA will strengthen the key institutions – including the National Committee on Climate Change, the Climate Change Department, and key climate change functional units within sectors at national and sub-national levels. The aim is to support the integration of climate change considerations into policy and planning processes to build a national adaptation system.

The CCCA initiative is supported by the Climate Change Trust Fund of US$8.9 million – which covers the period 2010-2012 – from the European Union, UNDP, SIDA, and DANIDA, the representatives of which also attended the workshop on Wednesday.

For climate change impacts are too big for any single project, ministry or development partner to act alone, it is crucial to consolidate and harmonise different initiatives through the promotion of a National Programme for climate change, Rafael Dochao-Moreno, Chargé d’Affaires, European Union Delegation to Cambodia, said in his speech on behalf of all the CCCA donors. “The CCCA is NOT a programme of the Ministry of Environment; it is a programme of the National Climate Change Committee and as such requires commitment and engagement from all ministries,” Rafael said.

“We propose that a consolidated effort be made by all involved in climate change to support the establishment of a National Programme for climate change – to be established by the Government, with the support of development partners and civil society organizations – to align climate change initiatives and donor support with national strategies and priorities,” he said.“A programmatic approach can reduce transactions costs, strengthen national ownership and leadership, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness in order to promote greater impacts,” he added.

Climate change in the country also is concern on the issue of fish product and danger on Mekong dolphin after it affected the level of water of Mekong River. To contribute in climate change, Cambodia also will plant the forest to 60 per cent of land area by 2015,” Cheav Kim Srun, head of forest administration said previously.

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Mekong River countries increases cooperation with China and Burma

MRC countries increase cooperation with China and Myanmar

by Chhorng Long Heng

Representatives from the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Member Countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam on August 27 met with Chinese and Myanmar officials in Phnom Penh.

“They discuss opportunities for increased levels of cooperation in managing the upper and lower Mekong River Basins. The meeting discusses expansion of cooperation in data and information sharing; further cooperation in assessing the opportunities and impacts of proposed upstream and downstream hydropower schemes; increased initiatives for joint environmental management; and enhanced navigation between the MRC Member Countries and the two upstream countries says the inter-governmental Mekong river basin organization,” Khy Lim, communication officer of MRC in Phnom Penh told SEAW

He added that today’s meeting is the first since the Hua Hin Summit in April this year. At the Summit, representatives of the Chinese and Myanmar governments indicated a strong willingness to work at a much closer level with downstream countries.

“We have already made a lot of progress since the Summit and will be discussing a range of options that have been explored in the past few months for increasing the areas where we can further work together,” said Jeremy Bird, CEO of the MRC Secretariat at the opening of the meeting quoted as saying in the statement.

“For example, the training course on flood and disaster risk management organized by China in June 2010 for Mekong countries was an excellent first step to future capacity building in the region,” said Mr. Bird.

China and Myanmar have a long-standing agreement on cooperation with the MRC and have been Dialogue Partners with the organization since 1996 with China providing upstream hydro-meteorological data during the wet season since 2002 that the MRC says plays an important role in its flood forecasting.

China says at the meeting that “its government is ready to continue to deepen its cooperation with the neighbours to promote common progress and development in the region.” “I’m confident that a prosperous Mekong region is not far away, given our joint efforts,” said Mr. Diao Mingsheng, head of delegation of the People’s Republic of China to the meeting.

“Our continued cooperation has brought substantial benefits to all the people in the riparian countries, and the Chinese government always attaches much importance to the dialogue with the MRC and will continuously offer our strong support to contribute to the sustainable development of the Lancang-Mekong sub-region,” added Mr. Diao.

The MRC says that China in particular has intensified its cooperation with downstream Lancang/Mekong countries. In June a delegation of MRC Member Countries and its Secretariat officials visited the recently built Xiaowan and Jing Hong dams on the Lancang River in Yunnan and met officials in Beijing where the MRC says that China provided information on the planning and design of its hydropower projects and confirmed that the natural minimum flow downstream will not be reduced and that adequate standards of water quality will be maintained.

The visit followed on from two visits made to Yunnan by MRC modeling and hydropower experts who, together with Chinese agencies, providing inputs to the on-going Strategic Environmental Assessment of proposed mainstream dams in the mainstream of the Lower Mekong Basin.

“China is increasingly recognizing the mutual benefits of adopting a more open approach to the trans-boundary management of water resources in the basin and today’s meeting, as well as the joint efforts that have continued throughout the year, are examples of an increasingly strong cooperation that will lead to a better understanding and awareness of both the risks and opportunities associated with upstream developments on downstream countries,” said Mr. Bird.

The cooperation with Myanmar, the MRC says, has been furthered by recent mission of the MRC Member Countries and the MRC to Yangon and Naypyidaw to follow up on areas of cooperation as committed at the MRC Summit in April.

“We would like to reaffirm our continuous cooperation with the MRC through the well-established mechanisms in areas of drought management, navigation and climate change,” said H.E U Nyunt Hlaing, Ambassador of the Union of Myanmar to Lao PDR who led Myanmar delegation to the meeting.

He said Myanmar is willing to further cooperate with the MRC and China in human resource development, technical cooperation, information sharing and active participation in MRC-facilitated events.

The Dialogue Meetings are an annual event whereby the MRC engages with its Dialogue Partners on its cooperation framework and discussions on how the four Member Countries of the MRC can increase their cooperation with the upstream neighbors. ##

Australia builds Cambodian Police Facilities in Battambang Province

Australia builds Cambodian Police Facilities in Battambang Province

by Chhorng Long Heng
Ministry of interior and Australian Embassy to Phnom Penh on 24 August 2010 opened new judicial police facilities at Battambang Police Commission Compound under highly presiding over the ceremony by H.E. Prum Sokha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and H.E. Ms Margaret Adamson, the Australian Ambassador to Cambodia.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, HE Ms Margaret Adamson said “This new building will provide better working conditions for police officers, enabling them to work in a more effective and efficient manner. It has also been designed to provide better conditions for accused persons, for victims and for the local residents who are working with the police to report and reduce crime”.

She added that the new facilities are part of Australia’s support for better infrastructure through the Cambodia Criminal Justice Assistance Project (CCJAP). Through CCJAP, Australia has provided AU$4million for capital works to improve provincial; police, court and prison buildings in five provinces including Battambang, Prey Veng, Banteay Mean Chey, Kampong Thom and Kampong Cham provinces.

H.E. Prum Sokha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior, said “This physical infrastructure is a good example of a strong effort of both governments toward supporting reform in Cambodia. “ Now, with competent police officers and new infrastructure, I strongly believe our police officers will be able to perform their duties more efficiently and professionally to ensure security and safety to our communities and will gain more confidence and trust from communities.” Sokha added.

“This building will enable provincial police commissioner to link important activities to the strategic objectives of Cambodian National Police accordingly and will improve the infrastructure of provincial police in order to expand technical-scientific and development training programs related to the key points of the interview and the trainings in order to support criminal and sexual abuse investigation especially related to women and juveniles”, said General Sar Thet, Provincial Police Commissioner of Battambang Province.

Australia has supported reform across the criminal justice system in Cambodia since 1997. The Cambodia Criminal Justice Assistance Project Phase 3 (2007 – 2012) works with the Royal Government and NGOs and communities to improve prisons, policing, courts, crime prevention and community safety in six provinces. Both sides also strengthen bilateral cooperation with varied fields from health, education to anti-terrorism for security and safety in region and to provide mutual benefits. Under the support from Australia, Cambodia trained more than 550 people, including judges, prosecutors, senior police officers and soldiers, for anti-terrorism law. The Cambodian government considered terrorism act as a cruel crime in the history of humanity, and it makes turmoil in the society especially politically.

The Cambodian government also considered terrorism act as an international matter. Australia is very happy to see the contribution of Cambodia in fighting against the terrorism acts.###

Chhorng Long Heng: Cambodia to host regional ASEAN seminar on fighting against corruption

Cambodia to host regional ASEAN seminar on fighting against corruption

by Chhorng Long Heng

The Anti-corruption Unit (ACU) of Cambodia announced on 23 August that it will host the regional ASEAN seminar on fighting against corruption late this year.

“Cambodia will host the regional ASEAN seminar on combating corruption late this year,” H.E Om Yenteing, head of ACU said in the seminar on fighting corruption to achieve development.

“To contribute in fighting against corruption, we need clean our staff at the ACU first, we will create a small group to investigate our staff about where they go and eat something with who at where to ensure that they are not making any corruption,” HE Om Yenteing added.

They need to declare their assets in advance before they started working and stop working at ACU, he said, adding that we will have annual polygraph test to assess our officials. He said previously that over 100,000 governmental officials must declare their asset accordance with to the law of anti-corruption which was passed by the national assembly in March. We have to join together to fight against corruption to contribute development and fulfill the commitment of millennium development goals, he stresses.

“We set up the strategies in countering corruption and sooner we will install our website for our agency in collecting the information and post the documents from ACU, and officials could download the documents to fill in forms,” He said, adding that local people could report the information to ACU through the website, they provided exclusive information for us to investigate the cases of corruption related at somewhere or other public officials.

Speaking at the sideline of symposium on fighting against corruption to achieve development, Prof Pil Hwan Oh, chairman of Korean Association for Corruption studies (KACS) said that the purpose of this symposium is to discuss the impact of corruption on economic development on developing countries.

“I hope that this opportunity will be a new beginning for meeting number challenges lying ahead and opens a window for the international cooperating system,” he said, adding that corruption is global as well as diverse and it had become an issue of major political economic significance in recent years in many countries across the globe including a number of developed countries.

He stated that corruption affects policy making process negatively, distorting the allocation of national resources, he said, adding that throughout decrease in investment impact and increase in political instability and transaction costs, corruption began to emerge, giving a negative impact on economic growth. Thus, fighting corruption should be the priori policy for economic development in developing countries particularly.

Honorary Congressman Shin-Bom Lee, the Blue Korea Foundation (BKF) and former member of the national assembly of the republic of Korea said that with the blooming of democracy, South Korea has faced many new challenges, but has successfully overcome them. I am certain that South Korea’s experience of democracy and fight against corruption by reforming the system over the past 20 years was a success story. “I am convinced that Cambodia can achieve far greater success in the future, He added.

The Cambodia- Transparency International of South Korea conducted joint Symposium on “Fighting Corruption to Achieve Development” on August 23 in Phnom Penh with the aim to review corruption issues as a key challenge for economic and social development based on the global understanding that with the existence of a high level of corruption and poor governance, the Millennium Development Goals cannot be achieved.

The Cambodian advocates in turn shared their experience in fighting corruption, the challenges they face as well as new opportunities in light of recent development and the enabling environment following the adoption of the Anti-Corruption law and the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Unit as well as the related institutions.

Transparency International Secretariat presented the Development Pact, a tool that works with political and administrative “champions” keen to demonstrate their commitment to higher benchmarks of integrity and performance on development promises.

The symposium also discussed some key recommendations to all stakeholders in Cambodia and in Korea such as: the government, parliament, civil society organizations, international donors and the media in order to promote integrity and transparency more effectively

“The participants appreciated the government’s commitment to the fight against corruption and wish to form a coalition with the government, the private sector and international stakeholders to take more proactive steps towards reducing corruption and achieving the MDGs, the joint statement from the symposium said, adding that the establishment of integrity system should be promoted through good governance process. The political parties should put democratic interest before party interests through practicing and adhering to democratic principles. “To reduce collusion among politicians and businessmen, transparent policy making and administrative processes are essential.

Strengthen democratic development at local government,” the statement added.

The executive, legislative and judiciary should promote and guarantee freedom of expression and access to information, particularly with regard to public services; Promote transparent revenue, budget and procurement processes; Citizens should be encouraged to submit complaints on corruption issues. Encourage greater religious involvement such as ethical and moral values to enhance social integrity. Focus on both preventing and fighting corruption through raising public awareness, integrating Develop a comprehensive anti corruption strategy with focus on education on integrity at schools, it stresses. ###

Chhorng Long Heng: Mekong River commission officially opens permanent office in Phnom Penh

Mekong River Commission Secretariat officially opens permanent office in Phnom Penh

The Mekong River Commission secretariat on August 26 officially opened permanent and arm office in Phnom Penh after long discussion among the members of countries, and other stakeholders in a move to facilitate the management of the various programs related the river.

“This secretariat is the operational arm of the MRC and responsible for implementing MRC decisions on cooperation for the sustainable management and development of the Mekong River Basin,”H.E. Lim Kean Hor, minister of water resources and meteorology, member of the MRC council of Cambodia and Chairman of Cambodian National Mekong Committee said in the ceremony of opening the permanent office of MRC in Phnom Penh.

“We mark this major formative step in the life of the Mekong River Commission secretariat. The journey to get here today, to the agreement on a permanent co-hosted solution to the location of the MRC, has been a long one,” he noted.

“I am confident that decision to locate it in two capitals cities, Phnom Penh of Cambodia and Vientiane of Lao PRD on the banks of the Mekong is a good one,” he said, adding that both cities and countries will benefit from hosting such an important inter-governmental organization. He highlighted that and all four member countries benefit from the capacity building benefits that the organization brings to the region to help us build our own national expertise. In this respect the needs of Cambodia and Lao PRD are proportionately more than other countries and we look forward to working closely with MRC to narrow the gap.

“The real beneficiaries of MRC’s work will be every people who gain from better management of the Mekong’s impressive water resources, those people living in the basin that depend on it for their livelihoods,” He stresses. By establishing permanent seats for MRC’s various programs in both Phnom Penh and Vientiane, we have moved on from the previous 5-yearly rotation of the headquarters, which in this day and age is seen to be inefficient and disruptive.

“Hence, with an approach that embraces modern technology, we hope that the co-hosting arrangement will lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness for the MRC in the long term, he said, adding that The cross-cutting nature of the MRC’s work and its ability to take an integrated and sustainable approach to water resources development remains a key priority, although it is also important to recognize that some of the MRC’s work has strong geographical linkages.

He added that although floods do occur upstream in both the Mekong mainstream and it tributary rivers, Cambodia and the Mekong delta in Vietnam are historically more likely to face regular annual flooding than the northern part of the basin, which is why the MRC located its regional flood management and mitigation center in Phnom Penh several years ago.

Similarly, the proportion of people that rely on the vast Mekong Fishery for their main source of protein is higher in the southern part of the basin, than further north, hence the MRC’s fisheries programs has joined the flood management and mitigation program in Phnom Penh.

“The agriculture and irrigation program, drought management program, information and knowledge management program and navigation program have already relocated to Phnom Penh or will have completed their move by the end of this year,” He emphasized.

He added that that The office of the chide executive officer and heads of corporate services sections, together with director of two divisions will remain in the office of secretariat in Vientiane along with other programs that are related to long term basin –wide planning, such as the basin development plan program, the Mekong integrated water resources management project, the initiative on sustainable hydropower, the environment program and climate change adaptation initiative. Now, that question of the location of the MRC has been decided, the organization can concentrate wholly on the key development opportunities and challenges facing basin.

“The decision on the location of any international organization can be politically sensitive, he stresses. “But this decision-which we commemorate today with this official opening means that Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam-the four countries of the MRC will be a stronger position to implement the 1995 Mekong Agreement, he added. It means better joint management of the shared water resources of the basin, and inevitably –increased prosperity through sustainable development of the economic potential of the river while protecting its vital environment resources.

He noted in 2008, we opened the regional flood management and mitigation center here and see now the benefits of other programs joining it under the umbrella of the office of the secretariat in Phnom Penh. On behalf of the government of Cambodia as the host country, we are committed with our readiness to help facilitate towards the smooth operation of the office of the secretariat in Phnom Penh.

Mr.Jeremy Bird, Chief Executive Officer of The Mekong River Commission Secretariat said that one year after the signing of 1995 Mekong agreement, the MRC council agreed that the secretariat was to be moved between Phnom Penh and Vientiane every five years. Although this original co-hosting agreement was designed to try and balance the role of Cambodia and Lao PDR-that together make up the majority of the land area in the lower basin- it was a compromise in the absence of consensus on the location of secretariat between the two candidates cities.

“Let me first express my gratitude to the government of Cambodia and the Cambodian national Mekong Committee secretariat for graciously hosting this important event, for hosting the office of the MRC secretariats here as well as for their long term commitment to institutional and logistical support the MRC,” He said.

“The MRC secretariat now officially has two permanent offices, one in Vientiane and the other here at these premises-formerly the home of the MRC’s existing regional flood management and mitigation center built with the assistance of the government of Japan which remains a key part of the office of secretariat in Phnom Penh, Bird said, adding that so I am pleased to celebrate the end of this long process and at the same time we are planning a new ear for the organization in implementing the Hua Hin Declaration agreed at the first MRC Summit.

“I trust that you will continue to render your assistance and support to the MRC as we strengthen the organization and keep their spirit of the 1995 Mekong Agreement alive,” Bird added.

Mr.Bird noted that the MRC has been very fortunate to have received significant support from development partners throughout this process and over past years in general. With the opening of this Phnom Penh Office we can now look forward to focusing fully on the serious and important work of helping the people of the Mekong Basin to cope with the pressing challenges ahead, and in developing methods and systems to address them.

Besides political dimension, all member countries were anxious that this was a decision based on careful consideration of the linkages between programs and geographical areas and its inter-programs synergies. “it was decision that ensured the MRC will be able to fulfill its mandate most efficiently, effectively and in the best interests of a board range of stakeholders-not just those that work with and in the secretariat, but development partners, our dialogue partners, government line ministries and of course those that rely on the river system for their live livelihood and day –to-day survival,” he stresses.

“I also wish to thank member countries and dialogue partners for their support. I am pleased that so many representatives are present today to mark the fulfillment of article 29 of the 1995 Mekong Agreement in relation to our permanent locations,” Bird said, adding that indeed, it took November last year for a final decision to be made by the governments of the four member committees, Cambodia, Lao PRD, Thailand, and Vietnam. As to just how the permanent solution for location of MRC was to take shape. Secretariat moved from its previous headquarters in Bangkok on the days of the interim Mekong Committee to Phnom Penh in 1998 and first “rotating” move from Phnom Penh to Vientiane took place in 2004.

Khy Lim, communication officer for MRC told the SEAW that if there was relocation, meaning complete move to Phnom Penh, it would cost the MRC around one million for building and extra expenses for human resource, shipment, equipment and other costs.

The cost could be more than one million US dollar,” he added.


Cambodia promotes culture of reading and writing

Cambodia promotes Culture of Reading and Writing

by Chhorng Long Heng,
Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia and Australian Embassy to Phnom Penh on August 26 cooperated to conduct the opening of a Public Forum on Reading and Writing, held at National Library of Cambodia under Theme of the “open up their world through reading” to promote culture of reading and appreciate good writing among more Cambodians after they have paid much attention on the entertainment programs.

“ Reading is an easy and inexpensive way to expand one’s knowledge of one’s own and others’ cultures,” Australian Ambassador H.E. Margaret Adamson to Cambodia said in opening remark of the ceremony. She added that today’s donation of books will provide Cambodian students and researchers with direct access to Australian society and culture.

“I hope that through the books and resources in the National Library, Cambodians will discover more about the riches of their own cultural heritage, as well as that of other countries,” she said.

She added that Australia is continuing its long-standing support for national library that is one core of Cambodia ’s national cultural institutions. In the event, Ms Adamson also presented the National Library of Cambodia with a collection of books on contemporary aspects of Australia, including its biodiversity, climate change, media, literature, history, indigenous art and politics. We the readers can find new knowledge, new perspectives and new horizons. We become open to new ideas and new ways of seeing that we did not have before, she added.

“We the readers support the flourishing of the creative thinking and imagination of writers, poets and playwrights for collective enrichment of our minds,’ she stresses.

Australia ’s donation also included a complete record in hard copy and CD-ROM of all the Khmer language materials held in the National Library of Australia. The National Library of Australia houses one of the world’s largest and most actively developed research collections of Asian materials.

One of its rarest and most valuable holdings is a complete Khmer language translation of the Tripitaka, or Buddhist scriptures. The Public Forum also included displays of rare materials held by the National Library of Cambodia, as well as displays by Cambodian publishers, booksellers and other organizations involved in the promotion of reading and writing.

H.E. Thai Noraksatya, secretary of state for the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts said “ Reading and writing are core pillars to achieve academic success, increasing confidence in self-expression, which leads to continuous self-development.

“Today’s event is a mechanism for students, readers and researchers from all spheres to understand the importance of reading and writing.” He said., adding that the government has always supported in fields of reading and writing in the country and encouraged the people to dos so to strengthen the ability of human resources in literature areas for developing the country.

The ministry would like to thank to the Australian embassy’s contribution and support for works of culture, and literature in the country. At the same time, we also thanked to the UNESCO to Cambodia that always supported the fields of education as well as promoting culture of reading and writing in the country. He added that the ministry also has supported the national library to compile documents for researching and studying for learners. The ministry urged and encouraged the national institutions, NGOs and international partners to open more libraries for children and teenagers to promote reading and writing.

“The ministry also organized the annual competition of composition, writers, and authors, poet to promote the literature,” He said, adding that reading is culture of collecting new ideas and writings culture of producing ideas with experiences and own knowledge from reading and see real society in daily life. The reading is absorbing the ideas to develop readers themselves to get the prosperity in life.

In the debate forum, Ms Khlot Vibolla, director of the national library of Cambodia noted that number of readers is still limited number in the library. “Young learners do not like to read and write and they like entertaining,” she said, adding that that is also our concern in literature. “I hope this precious event will contribute strengthening the power of reading and writing in the country and tie the relationship between institutions and other institutions as well as exchanging the experiences and cooperation, culture of professionals. It will encourage young generation to read and write more,”she added.

She added that now, the national library has over 120,000 books written in Khmer English, French and other documents including magazines, newspapers, electronic documents, CD-Rom and Audio and they are available for readers and researchers.

Sok Heng, a student of University of Cambodia said today is globalization and IT time, we surf on internet for study work like assignments at school without going to library. We do not have enough time to read and do homework, he said. We like reading topic that needs for school and personal understanding only, he added.

According to census in 2008, number of Cambodian population is 14,494,293 in 2008 and the literacy rate of stood 73.6% among total population and people’s age in 15 and over can read and write and male literacy rate is 84.7% and female: 64.1%. Cambodian government and development partners is trying to help education system in the country and build schools near communities being easy for people to send their children to schools. ###


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long Heng: Cambodia launches officially national labor migration policy

Cambodia launches officially national labor migration policy

The ministry of labor and vocational training of Cambodia on 10 August officially launched labor migration policy to strengthen effective management of labor forces that have been sent to work abroad, and promote migration’s positive development outcomes after the growth of labor forces in the country. Currently Cambodia ’s population includes a large proportion of young and they are entering the labor forces at a rate of about 250,000 persons per annum.

“The paper document of national migration labor policy for Cambodian workers is a new chronology and a turning point for our labor forces that sometimes has faced with negative matters at working abroad. I considered the paper as new measures for labor management more effectively,” H.E Vong Sauth, minister of labor and vocational training (MoLVT) said in his opening remark of launching of the national migration policy in Phnom Penh .

The document also will avoid the right violence such labor exploitation, human trafficking and liberty for workers,” he said, adding that the paper document is very important for other operation in fields of labor migration and will provide the benefits for local labor forces in right defense and it is historical event for us that have such a policy for migration.

The document will be a comprehensive policy for labor employment and it will implement effectively soon with all stakeholders through this action plan in conformity with poverty reduction policy. Furthermore, it also will improve the social matters in the country, unemployment rate, reduce illegal migration labor, eliminate children labor exploitation, sexual abuse, and spread of AIDS/HIV and family violence and local workers are not blind and dark anymore for working abroad,” he stresses.

The minister added: “The ministry wants ensure labor recruitment in legal processing and send local workers to work abroad in legal term to avoid social disorders and reputation of the country and the ministry will track for our workers to get skill before they go and returns. The processing of recruitment need to be followed up to match with this policy,”

“The ministry also is preparing a new sub-decree and it will be released to implement for sending local workers to foreign countries and compose the book for local workers who want to work abroad as guideline for them to better understand about the legal procedures and situation of countries that they want to go. All these things, we want our local worker to avoid cheating through illegal migration workers,” he highlighted.

Seng Sakada, director general of labor department of labor ministry said that government policy needs the recruitment agencies to keep cash deposits of 100,000 dollars in bank as measure to prevent any cheating processing. Currently we have 62 legal labor agencies that permitted from the ministry in recruiting the local workers to work in Malaysia , South Korea , and Japan , and Thailand .

“Number of Cambodian workers in Malaysia has 16,580, 10284 workers in Thailand , 97 people in Japan , and South Korea about 8,777 workers. Our workers were sent to work in these countries legally and in average they earned about 800 US dollars per month in overall. For sixth month of this year, Malaysia gets 6474 new workers from Cambodia ,” Seng said, noting at the same time, we could not count for illegal Khmer workers in Thailand through entering border crossing illegally and to other countries. Cambodia government permitted workers to serve in the countries include Thailand , Malaysia , South Korea and Japan . "And we need to expand more for labor market and we plan to send more workers to other countries in future when the MoU are inked soon we will send to Qatar , and Kuwait , Singapore and Arabic Saudi," he noted.

"Local workers also send the money for helping their family and their family’s living condition also is better,” he said, adding that this is a fact of poverty reduction. We need our workers to learn new skills when they returned and integrate in society. They could work with the skill that they learn foreign countries,” Seng stresses.

Ministry said unemployment levels provide another measure of labor market performance in Cambodia . Survey reports in 2000, 2001, and 2004 showed rather low unemployment rates 2.5, 1.8 and 0.8 per cent respectively. As did the 2008 census, unemployment rate stood about 1.7 per cent. Among the unemployed, female workers were predictably harder hit, with an unemployment rate of about 1.8 per cent compared with 1.5 per cent among men.

In 2010, the labor force from 15-24 years, there are about 3.540,428 people seeking jobs including 1,740,589 female. And in 2020, about 3,253, 722 people will seek jobs including 1,607, 965 female. In 2008, census recorded that youth population at 2.8 million and in 2010 projected to reach 3.5 million increasing at an annual growth rate of 4.3 per cent. Seng said that government needs to respond to the challenge posed by the increasing number of youth seeking jobs.


Long Heng: Cambodia protects Tonle Sap lake, largest fresh water lake in ASEAN

Government takes action to protect Tonle Sap Lake

Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on August 12 appealed to local authorities to save the Tonle Sap , the largest fresh lake in southeast east region, which is suffering from activities of local people through destroying flooded forest and building basin reservoirs to store water for planting rice crops during dry season.
“I call on local authorities and people to join actively to take actions in protection, and conservation of our great fresh lake,” he told the closing ceremony of working group of measures and protection of Tonle Sap Lake .

He added that some parts of Tonle Sap are affecting from the nature and activities of people. And our Tonle Sap Lake needs to save immediately because it has been destroyed and reached to disaster one day if we don’t have proper measures in protection of this lake.
“We got many negative impacts on Tonle Sap through the building of reservoir for storing water illegally for growing rice and it will cut off the natural trends of fish and make fish have difficulties in seeking shelters to lay egg and spawning, and hybrid,” he said, adding that fish will lay egg different manners of nature that will affect our fish products. And number of fish will decrease its products.

He stresses, “The illegal destroying of flooded forest in Tonel Sap occurred anarchically and building reservoir for storing water for growing rice in dry season will make the level of water of Tonle Sap lowered. It will be shallower and shallower. The next generation will blame us if we do not act this time,”he said, adding the government will face the blame in history.

He noted , “All these things are affecting the environment of Tonle Sap as whole. And currently too many floating structures on Tonel Sap lake adversely have affected to the nature of lake,”.

“Actually, the disaster and threats for Tonle Sap need the government to take action aggressively and urgently to protect the sustainability of environment of the lake. And it needs people and local authorities to join in hands to save our lake,” he said. 6 provinces around Tonle Sap including Battambang, Pursat, Siem Reap, Kompong Thom, and Kompong Chhang, Banteay Mean Chey provinces has been suffering from the illegal activities in grabbing land with small and large scale as well as to cut off flooded forests which is shelter for fish and protection the ecological system of environment of lake. H.E Lim Kean Hor, minister of water resources said from 2005-2010, over 48,170 hectares of flooded forest of lake was destroyed and that acts is led to disaster immediately and it affected subsequently to social, economic and ecological systems, fish products in the lake,’ he said, adding that in July this year the government issued directives to destroy illegal basins around Tonle Sap lake.

According to the order, the ministry of water resources and meteorology destroyed 120, 54 square km of basin, facilitate 10 reservoirs, destroyed 35 basins, and 47, 40 square km of canal, and the ministry planted 167 posts of protection areas. From 1970- 2010, over 354,175 hectares of flooded forest in Tonle Sap lake was damaged and ruined. In average each year about 9,000 hectares of flooded forests destroyed.

Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chay Ly said event that in dry season, Tonle Sap covered with size of 27,000 Square km with depth pf 1-2 m and in rainy season it enlarged to 160,000 square km with depth of 9m. Over one million people around provinces are fishermen and they depend on fish product to support living condition. Over four million people of Cambodians are supported their living conditions form Tonel Sap lake. This lake is biggest freshwater lake in the region. It provided 75 per cent of fish product in the country, benefiting about 230,000 tons of fish products in each year. It is the habitat for more than 200 species of fish, 42 types of reptiles, 225 species of birds and 46 kinds of mammals. ###

Long Heng: Police Authorities burns down 19 tons of expired medicines

Police Authorities burns down 19 tons of expired medicines

Cambodian Police Authorities on August 9 fired down 19 tons of fake, expired and illegal medicine which confiscated recently in a move to strengthen the law enforcement of medicine management of health ministry and join to prevent local people’s health from fake medicines.

These medicines are expired, fake and illegal medicines in total 19 tons with 280 kg and composed of 25 kinds of medicines which imported illegally from foreign countries. And these fake medicines will destroy our local people’s health if they buy for treatment of illness. Therefore we destroyed them today,” Seang Bun Leang, police chief combating economic crimes said in the ceremony of destroying expired medicines at laboratory of waste drug and it was participated from the court’s prosecutors, senior officials of health ministry and stakeholders as witness of destroying the medicines after confiscating.

“We has cooperated with competent authorities and reach to arrest the criminal and confiscated these drugs from illegally importing from regional countries,” Bun Leang said, adding that we have cracked down timely on the illegal medicines that could affect our local people’s health and these medicine do not have quality and fake drugs. He added that the police arrested a criminal who is the mastermind of importing these illegal and fake medicines and the court already jailed that man.

“We have taken 7 months to investigate and reach to arrest these fake medicines and the criminal, he said, adding that even though he did not reveal the price of the fake medicines if it was sold to local markets.

He also appealed local medicine dealers to import legal drugs and do it by law, and follow the law of health ministry. Pharmacist should join to care our local people’s health but sometimes the medicine sellers are careless with local people’s health and the focused on money earnings. This is not the first time that our police authorities have confiscated these kinds of the medicines,” Bun Leang said.

Recently our police also confiscated the 500 boxes illegal cosmetics products and fake make-up which transported illegally. “All those products are cosmetics products branded name in USA and South Korea but actually they all are fake products,” Bun Leng said. He added that those products had not granted the permission licensing from health ministry and it could damage local people’s health, face and skin complex if they used them,” he added.

In July 2010, France provided 123, 5 00 Euro to fight against illegal and fake medicines in Cambodia and the project is starting to implement to investigate the fake and expired medicine in contribution of seeking dangers and where the medicine came from, help training the experts.

The signing ceremony of one of two conventions was inked at Cambodia ’s foreign ministry between H.E. Sun Saphoeun, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and H.E. Jean-François Desmazières, Ambassador of France in Cambodia . Those fake medicine has affected health’s local people and others and the project is under the framework of Mekong river Cooperation including Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia in combating illegal and fake drugs in region,” Jean said at that time.

The fund will be used to train experts, promote law enforcement, and inspired the inter-ministry,’ he noted. Cambodia is working with other countries to fight against illegal and fake drugs. Cambodia is one of country working hard in relating with fake malaria drug that is core of treatment because those malaria drugs are accustomed with medicine. Infected people of malaria are not cured properly because the medicine is weaker with disease after people used expired, fake medicine in treatment.

Cambodian government and partners like the WHO have spent millions of dollars tackling the problem in an area like Pailin in fighting malaria and fake medicines.


Long Heng: Cambodia launches officially national labor migration policy

Cambodia launches officially national labor migration policy

The ministry of labor and vocational training of Cambodia on 10 August officially launched labor migration policy to strengthen effective management of labor forces that have been sent to work abroad, and promote migration’s positive development outcomes after the growth of labor forces in the country. Currently Cambodia ’s population includes a large proportion of young and they are entering the labor forces at a rate of about 250,000 persons per annum.

“The paper document of national migration labor policy for Cambodian workers is a new chronology and a turning point for our labor forces that sometimes has faced with negative matters at working abroad. I considered the paper as new measures for labor management more effectively,” H.E Vong Sauth, minister of labor and vocational training (MoLVT) said in his opening remark of launching of the national migration policy in Phnom Penh .

The document also will avoid the right violence such labor exploitation, human trafficking and liberty for workers,” he said, adding that the paper document is very important for other operation in fields of labor migration and will provide the benefits for local labor forces in right defense and it is historical event for us that have such a policy for migration.

The document will be a comprehensive policy for labor employment and it will implement effectively soon with all stakeholders through this action plan in conformity with poverty reduction policy. Furthermore, it also will improve the social matters in the country, unemployment rate, reduce illegal migration labor, eliminate children labor exploitation, sexual abuse, and spread of AIDS/HIV and family violence and local workers are not blind and dark anymore for working abroad,” he stresses.

The minister added: “The ministry wants ensure labor recruitment in legal processing and send local workers to work abroad in legal term to avoid social disorders and reputation of the country and the ministry will track for our workers to get skill before they go and returns. The processing of recruitment need to be followed up to match with this policy,”

“The ministry also is preparing a new sub-decree and it will be released to implement for sending local workers to foreign countries and compose the book for local workers who want to work abroad as guideline for them to better understand about the legal procedures and situation of countries that they want to go. All these things, we want our local worker to avoid cheating through illegal migration workers,” he highlighted.

Seng Sakada, director general of labor department of labor ministry said that government policy needs the recruitment agencies to keep cash deposits of 100,000 dollars in bank as measure to prevent any cheating processing. Currently we have 62 legal labor agencies that permitted from the ministry in recruiting the local workers to work in Malaysia , South Korea , and Japan , and Thailand .

“Number of Cambodian workers in Malaysia has 16,580, 10284 workers in Thailand , 97 people in Japan , and South Korea about 8,777 workers. Our workers were sent to work in these countries legally and in average they earned about 800 US dollars per month in overall. For sixth month of this year, Malaysia gets 6474 new workers from Cambodia ,” Seng said, noting at the same time, we could not count for illegal Khmer workers in Thailand through entering border crossing illegally and to other countries. Cambodia government permitted workers to serve in the countries include Thailand , Malaysia , South Korea and Japan . "And we need to expand more for labor market and we plan to send more workers to other countries in future when the MoU are inked soon we will send to Qatar , and Kuwait , Singapore and Arabic Saudi," he noted.

"Local workers also send the money for helping their family and their family’s living condition also is better,” he said, adding that this is a fact of poverty reduction. We need our workers to learn new skills when they returned and integrate in society. They could work with the skill that they learn foreign countries,” Seng stresses.

Ministry said unemployment levels provide another measure of labor market performance in Cambodia . Survey reports in 2000, 2001, and 2004 showed rather low unemployment rates 2.5, 1.8 and 0.8 per cent respectively. As did the 2008 census, unemployment rate stood about 1.7 per cent. Among the unemployed, female workers were predictably harder hit, with an unemployment rate of about 1.8 per cent compared with 1.5 per cent among men.

In 2010, the labor force from 15-24 years, there are about 3.540,428 people seeking jobs including 1,740,589 female. And in 2020, about 3,253, 722 people will seek jobs including 1,607, 965 female. In 2008, census recorded that youth population at 2.8 million and in 2010 projected to reach 3.5 million increasing at an annual growth rate of 4.3 per cent. Seng said that government needs to respond to the challenge posed by the increasing number of youth seeking jobs.


Cambodia conserves culture of indigenous people

Cambodia highlights conservation of culture of Indigenous people.

By Chhorng Long Heng

Over 1,000 people from indigenous people communities in the country, civil servants and policy and legal framework markers, civil society workers, international development workers August 9 gathered to mark 16h international day of indigenous people at ancient Banteay Kdey Temple in Angkor Wat temple compound with focusing on sustainable development, for local communities, conservation of their cultures.
“The government has always introduced the relevant ministries especially to mark this event annually in contribution of promotion of morality value, culture, tradition and rights for local
Indigenous people and seek understandings of livelihood, and their ancient traditions, H.E. Chea Sophara, minister of rural development said in his opening remark at the ceremony.

“As we set up our development plan, the ministry will try to promote further for improving livelihood, development, conservation of natural resources of indigenous people and communities,” Sophara added.
“The government also has provided the opportunities to contribute to development of their local communities; we have known the situation of poor condition of the indigenous communities and the government is trying to improve their living condition through education and heath, and infrastructural building, rural development, clean water, and loans for economic integration” He said, adding that Cambodian constitution stipulated that indigenous people are Khmer and all laws protect their rights and they join to develop national interests. This is the sixth anniversary of Cambodia to mark this international day.
“Indigenous people should benefit from the economic development as well as essential services provision such as health care and education,” Lim Solinn, regional coordinator for Oxfam America said in her opening remark.
She continued that land is one of the challenges confronting indigenous peoples. Indigenous land represents culture, identity, livelihoods and spirituality. But competition for land is fierce with a high demand for large scale agriculture, tourism, hydropower, oil and gas exploration and extraction, mining, ranging bio-diversities, habitat conservation,” she noted.

Most of the sector brings certain level of adverse effects, but the mineral sector is of a major concern. To ensure indigenous people’s sustainable livelihood and culture, we have to secure their rights for ancestral land, and preserve area, and set up mechanisms for accessing issues affecting land, water, health and education, vovational training for local communities, “she added.
A representative of indigenous people said that “we need to know about the government plan for development of local communities and they could take part to ideas for conservation of their culture and communities. Their ideas will contribute to help project and they could talk openly with their communities for community’s development,” the representative said.
Cambodia marked this kind of event for 6th time including this event in the purpose of promotion the indigenous via the acknowledgement of public and to raise the awareness of all the people on the indigenous people culture and issues, the statement from the organizers said, Cambodia has started to celebrate the first international day of indigenous people in 2005, in which, the department of ethnic minorities ‘development of the ministry of rural development with support from civil societies and international development partner.
Since then, the department has organized it every year with different places in the provinces where there are indigenous people living and the civil societies and different development partners are also continue to contribute.
Cambodia has about 30 indigenous groups and on the day of indigenous peoples, some 300 indigenous peoples from across the country will join a parade to call for respect for their own rights for their communities and will present their ways of life in an exhibition and a cultural performance. Indigenous peoples, making up 5 per cent (about 340 million) of the world’s population, are among the poorest of the poor, according to a statement from Oxfam America in cooperation with 17th other local and international organizations.
Cambodia ’s indigenous peoples included 1.34 per cent of total population among 13.5 million people according to in 2008. It equals about 179,000 peoples in the country especially northeastern region in Ratanakiri, Kratie, Steung Treng, and Mondulkiri provinces. The indigenous peoples composes Tompuon, Kreung, Jarai, Kroel, Stieng, Thmoan, Kuy, Ponon, Proev, Kavet, Kachak, Lon, Ro’De, Mil, , Khoanh,, Chung, Por, Sorch, Suoy, Róng, Thmon, , Kroung.
"we also encourage all development partner to take serious action to provide protection and assistance to enble the indigenous community to get on board altogether," Mr. Bill Salter, ILO director for regional office said in ceremony. ILO welcome the government that have approved the national policy on indigenous people development, he said.


Long Heng: Cambodia hosts international exercise to prepare for severe pandemic

Cambodia to host international exercise to prepare for severe pandemic

Cambodia in cooperation with secretariat of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the United Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), will shortly host a pandemic preparedness and response exercise focusing on managing the impacts of severe pandemics on societies, governments and organizations in the Southeast Asian region.

This is the first time and historic event for the country that will host the global issues like heath of people in region and communicable diseases involved with other sectors in societies,” Ros Sovann, deputy secretary general of disaster management committee of Cambodia told SEAW by phone. Cambodia is one of the countries that set up the plan of prevention of communicable diseases combined with other impacts on social and economic issues of the country,” Ros added.

In this event, we also need to review our plan in disaster and communicable disease of all countries in region and major points will be added in the national pan. We will review the weak and strong points for our region on disaster management and measures of prevention of severe pandemic, “he stresses.

He added that the exercise, which is a first of its kind anywhere in the world, will take place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 16-20 August 2010. It is expected to attract over 170 high-level participants from governments, UN agencies, international bodies and non-governmental organizations.
“The unprecedented event aims to improve the capabilities of ASEAN Member States, both individually and collectively, to prepare for and respond to a severe pandemic with potentially devastating effects on the region. The exercise also sets out to improve multi-sectoral preparedness and response at the country, regional and global level among the Member States and other international actors,” he said, a severe pandemic could have hugely damaging effects on the Southeast Asia region. While many countries are engaged in meeting such a threat, much of the focus in the past has been on health area preparedness.
“ASEAN Members States increasingly recognize that non-health sectors can also be gravely affected, impeding a government’s capacity to respond to a pandemic. This thinking has led to the need to come together to identify the gaps in pandemic preparedness, and to strengthen collaboration and coordination among Member States.
In expressing his appreciation for the event and emphasizing its importance, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, said in the statement dated in August 10. ‘the table-top exercise will help us fulfill the wishes of our ASEAN leaders for our region to be ready in times of pandemics. We will use the exercise to identify our gaps in pandemic preparedness and prepare for a regional pandemic preparedness plan as called for in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint. Lessons learnt from this exercise can be used not only for cases of pandemics but also for other severe events affecting our region, such as natural disasters.’ Dr. Surin added.
Dr. Nhim Vanda, Senior Minister, First Vice President, National Committee for Disaster Management, Royal Government of Cambodia, emphasized the value of the event to the region; ‘Cambodia was one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to focus its preparedness efforts on non-health sectors. This event provides the opportunity to bring the multi-sector preparedness focus to a regional level and set an example that can be followed on a global front.’
The trans-boundary nature of pandemics means that they seldom remain isolated within a single country. Effective regional arrangements are imperative to ensure the continuity of operations and subsequent security of a country during a pandemic. The pandemic preparedness and response exercise aims to strengthen these arrangements.

The ‘Southeast Asia Regional Multisectoral Pandemic Preparedness and Response Table Top Exercise: Managing the Impact of Pandemics on Societies, Governments and Organisations’, is being funded with support from the USAID.

The statement of UN, and USAID highlighted that 9 of the 10 ASEAN Member States will be represented at the event. Governmental representatives from a number of observer states are also participating in the exercise, including officials from Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea and the United States and Senior representatives and leading experts from regional intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies, other key international bodies and NGOs responding to animal and pandemic influenza will also participate. Participating organizations include the African Union (AU), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union (EU), and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It said that “The exercise, which is a first of its kind anywhere in the world, is expected to attract over 170 high-level participants from governments, UN agencies, international bodies and non-governmental organizations.”


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long Heng: U.S- Cambodia Diplomatic Relations in the next 60 years

U.S- Cambodia Diplomatic Relations in the next 60 years

Cambodia and U.S. commemorated the 60th anniversary (1950-2010) of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on July with the many events including a two -day academic symposium in highlight of relations with broad views.

“To cultivate closer bilateral relations, our two countries should focus on the bilateral trade including the duty-free provision for Cambodian-made garments and the lowering of tariff levies on other Cambodian products,” H.E Dr Sok An, deputy prime minister and minister in charge of the office of the ministers said in opening remark at Chaktomuk Hall on July 21 in the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the kingdom of Cambodia and the United states of America.
“Investment not only in oil and gas sector but also in entering into the labor forces, as a stable production based for American companies, he added, noting educational cooperation with emphasis on vocational the training need to do and further strengthening of bilateral, regional and global cooperation. Strengthening of government to government relations by encouraging meetings between leaders, officials and the peoples of the US and Cambodia.
“We Cambodian want to believe fence design and the architecture of the new American embassy in Phnom Penh reflect a new openness and transparency in the US policy towards Cambodia,” he said, adding that the United States and Cambodian relations have come of age. The two countries are now moving forward together, not with Cambodia as an “interest”, but with Cambodia as a partner and friend,” he highlighted.
“I believe the symposium will provide a useful platform for better understanding and promoting US- Cambodia relations through exchanges of views among government officials, researchers and scholars specializing in Cambodia politics, history and international relations,” Dr Sok An said.
He emphasized that the relations during the last 60years,. The diplomatic relations, historically, between Cambodia and the US were officially cut in 1965, as Cambodia became a sideshow to America’s war in Vietnam and it resumed in 1969 and continued until 12 April 1975, when The US mission in Phnom Penh was evacuated. In November 1991 after the Paris Peace agreement, US re-established its mission in Cambodia, with the appointment of a special representative to the supreme national council.
He added that military assistance from the US resumes in 2005, legislative restrictions on bilateral assistance were lifted in 2007, and President Barack Obama removed Cambodia from the trade black list in 2009, further promoting trade between the two countries. From 1992-2009, the US has provided more than 700 million in assistance for health care, good governance, economic development, Demining and other programs through non-governmental organizations. Recently, The US promised to make a further contribution of 5 million US dollars in support of the UN side of the operation of the extraordinary chambers in the courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
“Since 2009, economic cooperation between the US and Cambodia has started a new phase with the assistance funding to come from government to government rather than through NGOS channels,” he said, adding that I wish to encourage direct cooperation between our governments. This government to government initiative will soon be put into practice, with the Cambodian government assuming ownership and responsibility for the implementation of the projects.

Dr Sok An highlighted on May, 2010, Cambodia was selected among 20 countries to receive US assistance under President Barrack Obama’s new “feed the future,” food security initiatives.

“Cambodia is committed to human resources development and I do hope the United States will provide more scholarship to deserving Cambodian students and enlarge the admission for students who are able to pay their own way to study in American. Cooperation with American partners is particularly welcome in the more advanced the technological sectors and especially in the field of vocational training,” he stressed, noting to help promote democracy in Cambodia, the US through the international republican institute and the national democratic institute has provided assistance in capacity building for political parties and in democratization process at all levels, in particular at the grass-roots level and I also acknowledge the US Peace Corps for their activities in rural areas of Cambodia.

“The cooperation has been an important factor in the economic success of Cambodia in to the last two decades. Cambodia has most favored nation status with the US and beneficiary under their generalized system of preferences and US is largest market for Cambodia’s textile product, he said, adding that looking back to the history of 60 years of our diplomatic relations, we notice that during the last couple of years we have enjoyed increasingly good and fruitful relations and cooperation. As the government and people of Cambodia, we wish not only to keep these good existing diplomatic ties, but also to further strengthen and broaden our future relation and friendship.

He maintained on behalf of the government, I invited American business leaders to explore opportunities for trade and investment in sectors in which Cambodia has comparative advantage. I would like to encourage the US-ASEAN business council to work more closely with Cambodian business partners and relevant investment authorities to bring more US investors to Cambodia.

Despite some misunderstanding and somewhat different approaches, the cooperation between Cambodia and the United states has been deepened and strengthened in many fields such as accounting for Americans missing actions, the war on terrorism, fighting human trafficking, illicit drugs and corruption. “Regarding the contentious issues of human right s, I would like to emphasize that US and Cambodia should respect each other’s positions, Dr. Sok An noted. “Cambodian people still remember the work done by Dean Acheson for our country. He was a lawyer that defended case of Preah Vihear temple against Thailand and in 1962 the world court awarded the Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia. Ek Sereywath, former Cambodia to the US said in ceremony that Cambodian trade with US was accounted for about 2 billion US dollars. Cambodia exported to US mostly textile product. Trade is trying to boost for mutual benefits, Ek added.
“ties were severed times , including during the dark days of the Khmer rouge, before the current phase of the relationship –the one we now find ourselves in –began, US ambassador to Cambodia Carol A. Rodley said at the ceremony. “But while the relationship is undoubtedly strong , it is important for us to understand how we arrived here, so that we might learn from our mistakes and build on our successes, she said, adding that a strong grasp of the past will help us ensure that relationship continues to progress over the next 60 years. Sixty years ago, this month, on July 11, 1950, Donald R Heath presented his credentials as U.S. envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the King father, marking the first time that the United States had a permanent diplomatic representative in the country. Over the course of next six decades, the relationship would evolve substantially with many of these changes occurring within the geopolitical context of the day including the cold war and the growth in relevance of the United Nations.
Chheang Vannarith, executive director, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) said at the event that a Cambodian –US relation over the last 60 years was mainly dominated by international power politics and ideology rather than economic development policy. Cambodian-US relation in the next 60 years will be shaped by economic interdependency and common regional strategic interest.

“Cambodia-US relations in next 60 years will rely on global, regional, and national environment. It forecasts more positive development will take place to nourish the bilateral relationship. Government to government relations will be stronger while people to people and business to business will be even much stronger,” he stresses.
The symposium also joined by three former US ambassadors to Cambodia including Kent Wiedemann, Charles Ray and Joseph Mussomeli as guest speakers. Famous scholars like Dr Kenton Clymer, and Dr David Chandler, and former foreign minister Prince Norodom Sirivudh. Dr Franklin Huffman joined with H.E Chuch Phoeurn, secretary of state of ministry of culture and fine arts delivered their speech on culture exchange cooperation. Hundreds of Cambodian students were taken part for the event. “the younger generation will play very important role for stronger relationships between the two countries, Ambassador Rodley said in closing ceremony. ###

Cambodia plans one unversity, one provinces

Cambodia eyes on “one province, one university”

Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on July 19 expressed his ambition to build one university for one province in a move to expand the education system and promote human resources in development of the country.

“To realize the target of “one province, one university”, we must promote the education and training of professional skills that are highly suitable for local and rural development such as agriculture, rural development, agro-industry, health, enterprise management and others. so that the graduates can further take part in local development, that is “development human resource in the province for provincial development” Samdech Prime Minister said in his address at conferment of degrees and diplomas of Svay Rieng university, which was built in 2006. We are trying to push schools nearby people to be easy for them to learn and help develop the society and communities,” he stresses. He stated one of four Cambodians is a student currently.

“We must ensure that provincial graduates acquire the right knowledge, skills and techniques, more importantly national conscious and will. Particularly, we must encourage them to learn and work with government institutions, private sector and civil society that could be in the form of internship, thesis writing, or workshop participation,” Samdech added. Samdech also expressed his sincere thanks for charitable activities of national conscience that will be remembered and recorded in the history. This exemplary inspire the present and future generations to contribute in socio-economic development and ensure sustainable and equitable education for everyone in the society and give them hope in life.

He added: I take great pride in the achievements of the education sector, both in terms of quantity and quality. Along with this, we have implemented the Law on Education adopted on December 8, 2007 and other supporting policies and strategies such as the Education Strategic Plan and the Education Sector Support Program 2009-2010. Moreover, I strongly support the Development Plan for Higher Education Teachers and Administrative Officers, Single Framework for Curriculum Development and Accreditation, Action Plan for Promoting the Use of Information System in the Management of Higher Education, and the Plan for transforming all Public Higher Education Institutions into Independent Public Entity.

“Through this, I strongly believe that higher education institutions will be able to make a significant progress, both in terms of quantity and quality, and gain international recognition to welcome foreign students,” he noted. This progress indeed cannot be achieved without the Royal Government’s clear vision and action plans, joint efforts among all stakeholders including support from development partners, national and international organizations, the private sector and especially the public.

“I observe the present trend of building universities in municipalities and provinces to provide education services on-site such as the University of Battambang, Meanchey University, Chea Sim Kamchay Mea University, the Svay Rieng University and so forth, he said, adding that I think we should encourage and provide our full support for the establishment of new universities within other municipalities and provinces to provide on-site education to reduce spending of sending their children to distant higher education institutions and to realize the vision of “one province, one university”.

He also request the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, the municipal and provincial authorities and relevant institutions to work on quality improvement in those higher education institutions to produce skilled, qualified and ethical workers. “I would like to request municipal/provincial authorities, district authorities and commune/sangkat authorities to provide employment opportunities to local youths so that they can take part in the development effort, Samdech said.

He also said that Youths are comparable to bamboo shoots, as they will become the country’s future leaders and officials. This requires them to study hard on technical skill and respect ethical rules. Youths must remember there is no an end to education because of constant technological change. In this connection, they must work hard and be active for all kinds of work, understand management philosophy as well as politics, economics and social issues. “I think they will be an important component of development as most educated youths are now assuming important positions, with full of potential and energy,” he added.

He also encouraged students to learn. “You must adhere to the concept of “Endless Learning” by all means to become wise, rational and ethical resource in the society. I strongly believe you will apply and adapt your knowledge and know-how into real work and adhere to ethical codes in the pursuit of self and social development,” he said.


Long Heng: Tuberclosis in 2010 in Cambodia

Health Ministry launched second national Tuberculosis prevalence survey in Cambodia

.Cambodia’ Health ministry and development partners on July 30 launched the second National Tuberculosis prevalence survey in the country in purpose of seeking urgent ways to combat TB infection and prevent its spread for local people, and implementing the millennium development goals in 2015.

“Fighting against TB is contributing to poverty reduction and reach to implement the MDGs,” H.E Dr. Mao Tan Eang, director of national center of tuberculosis and leprosy control said that now good drug is effective for treatment of TB. “Infection number of TB decreased from 928 cases per 100,000 people in 1990 to 665 cases 100,000 people in 2007. We got the success remarkably, and currently we are trying to do it,” he said, adding that TB services have provided about 1000 health referral centers and hospitals. We thanked to patients and doctors who cooperated to treat TB, he states. Our goal we want to reduce the infection rate to 464 cases per 100,000 people in 2015, he added. We found over 40,000 people in 2010 and 20,000 people found TB infection for the six months of this year.

“Our survey is a key of program to join to fight against TB spread, and reach to our goal, he maintained.
He announced at the event that the national tuberculosis (TB) prevalence survey funded by Japan international cooperation agency (JICA) the united states agency for international development (USAID) and global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) is now being prepared by the National center for tuberculosis and leprosy control (CENAT), ministry of health. The survey will start in October, 2010 and be carried out in 62 areas randomly selected from the whole country around 40,000 participants aged 15 years old or older by CENAT with the technical support of JICA and WHO. The preliminary results of survey will be assessed in November 2011.

He stressed infectious disease control particularly TB control is one of the priority areas in millennium development goals, and CENAT has been tackling this issue in collaboration with many national and international partners. The first survey in 2002 revealed that 269 per 100,000 populations were suffered from TB disease with TB bacilli in their sputum.

“Cambodia is still one of the highest burden countries in the world in the rank with China, Vietnam, and Philippines. The second survey will be able to contribute to not only providing scientific, reliable information on TB burden in Cambodia but also bringing rich fruits for the national TB control program (NTP) by showing its downward trend in serious infectious TB cases,” Dr Eang said, adding we get about one -two millions US dollars for conducting this pilot program.
Dr. Poeu Satha, project coordinator of National TB prevalence in Cambodia said that with high quality prevalence survey may show the impact of the national and international investments in TB control in Cambodia. The second survey is expected to show stronger evidence of a downward trend in TB prevalence in Cambodia due to dots expand since 2001.
“The primary objectives is to determine the prevalence of pulmonary TB among the population aged 15 years or older as measured by smear positive pulmonary TB and culture positive pulmonary,” Dr Poeu said, adding that second objective is to identify the prevalence of TB suspects, health seeking behaviors through defined health seeking behaviors of TB patients and individuals reporting chest symptoms, use of the private sector for TB care as reflected in the proportion of TB patients under treatment in the private sector,” ###

Long Heng: Cambodia's garment sector signs optimistic recovery

Cambodia ’s garment sector signs optimistic recovery

Cambodia ’s garment sector has showed signs of recovery so far this year with increasing number of garment factories and number of workers after the global economic crisis affected to this industry last year, officials told the Southeast Asia weekly on July 1.

Bun Ying, a communication officer of ILO in Phnom Penh office said that so far this year we have data of 267 factories which are running business in country. “We have signed recovery of garment sector according to our report which issued on late this month,” he said, adding that The International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Better Factories Cambodia released 24th Synthesis Report on Working Conditions in Cambodia ’s Garment Sector, which assesses compliance with Cambodian labor law and international labor standards in exporting garment factories.

“In April 2010, number of worker in garment increased to more than 280,443 workers. And in November 2009, there were 243 active exporting factories with 278,398 workers in country,” he added.
He continued that the 24th Synthesis Report is the first report to show an increase in employment levels when compared with the preceding report since the 21st Synthesis Report of 31 October 2008. The level of employment increased slightly since November 1, 2009, despite additional factory closures. Although employment is still down from one year ago, job losses resulting from the crisis have leveled off, as reflected by the smaller percentage drop during the past year (6%) than that seen during the year before (12.5%).

He noted the garment sector is showing signs of recovery from the economic crisis; employment levels are up slightly when compared with the previous report. And more than 2/3 of workers currently are working in factories with 1000 or more employees, despite a 9% drop in the percentage of factories with 1000 - 2000 workers over the past year. 79% of the factories monitored have at least one union, up 3% from the 23rd Synthesis Report. He said however, most workers still report that they do not have enough to spend on basic needs including food, housing and healtH.E.Om Mean, secretary of state of ministry of labor and vocational training said that the government has always cared with attention of workers across and not only in country but also at foreign countries we always cared situation of workers. Garment is a good sector for contributing economic growth,” he said, adding that the recovery is demanding for purchasing order and number of worker also increased. Ministry of Commerce data also points toward the recovery in the garment sector, with export levels for the first five months of 2010 exceeding those for the same months last year. The figures from the Ministry of Commerce showed the country exported garment products worth US $1.062 billion during January to May 2010, with reporting around 11 percent increase against $953 million export during the same period in the year 2009. Cambodia earned about $2.658 billion through apparel exports in 2009, while $3.158 billion in 2008, according to the Ministry of Commerce.###