Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long Heng: U.S- Cambodia Diplomatic Relations in the next 60 years

U.S- Cambodia Diplomatic Relations in the next 60 years

Cambodia and U.S. commemorated the 60th anniversary (1950-2010) of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on July with the many events including a two -day academic symposium in highlight of relations with broad views.

“To cultivate closer bilateral relations, our two countries should focus on the bilateral trade including the duty-free provision for Cambodian-made garments and the lowering of tariff levies on other Cambodian products,” H.E Dr Sok An, deputy prime minister and minister in charge of the office of the ministers said in opening remark at Chaktomuk Hall on July 21 in the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the kingdom of Cambodia and the United states of America.
“Investment not only in oil and gas sector but also in entering into the labor forces, as a stable production based for American companies, he added, noting educational cooperation with emphasis on vocational the training need to do and further strengthening of bilateral, regional and global cooperation. Strengthening of government to government relations by encouraging meetings between leaders, officials and the peoples of the US and Cambodia.
“We Cambodian want to believe fence design and the architecture of the new American embassy in Phnom Penh reflect a new openness and transparency in the US policy towards Cambodia,” he said, adding that the United States and Cambodian relations have come of age. The two countries are now moving forward together, not with Cambodia as an “interest”, but with Cambodia as a partner and friend,” he highlighted.
“I believe the symposium will provide a useful platform for better understanding and promoting US- Cambodia relations through exchanges of views among government officials, researchers and scholars specializing in Cambodia politics, history and international relations,” Dr Sok An said.
He emphasized that the relations during the last 60years,. The diplomatic relations, historically, between Cambodia and the US were officially cut in 1965, as Cambodia became a sideshow to America’s war in Vietnam and it resumed in 1969 and continued until 12 April 1975, when The US mission in Phnom Penh was evacuated. In November 1991 after the Paris Peace agreement, US re-established its mission in Cambodia, with the appointment of a special representative to the supreme national council.
He added that military assistance from the US resumes in 2005, legislative restrictions on bilateral assistance were lifted in 2007, and President Barack Obama removed Cambodia from the trade black list in 2009, further promoting trade between the two countries. From 1992-2009, the US has provided more than 700 million in assistance for health care, good governance, economic development, Demining and other programs through non-governmental organizations. Recently, The US promised to make a further contribution of 5 million US dollars in support of the UN side of the operation of the extraordinary chambers in the courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
“Since 2009, economic cooperation between the US and Cambodia has started a new phase with the assistance funding to come from government to government rather than through NGOS channels,” he said, adding that I wish to encourage direct cooperation between our governments. This government to government initiative will soon be put into practice, with the Cambodian government assuming ownership and responsibility for the implementation of the projects.

Dr Sok An highlighted on May, 2010, Cambodia was selected among 20 countries to receive US assistance under President Barrack Obama’s new “feed the future,” food security initiatives.

“Cambodia is committed to human resources development and I do hope the United States will provide more scholarship to deserving Cambodian students and enlarge the admission for students who are able to pay their own way to study in American. Cooperation with American partners is particularly welcome in the more advanced the technological sectors and especially in the field of vocational training,” he stressed, noting to help promote democracy in Cambodia, the US through the international republican institute and the national democratic institute has provided assistance in capacity building for political parties and in democratization process at all levels, in particular at the grass-roots level and I also acknowledge the US Peace Corps for their activities in rural areas of Cambodia.

“The cooperation has been an important factor in the economic success of Cambodia in to the last two decades. Cambodia has most favored nation status with the US and beneficiary under their generalized system of preferences and US is largest market for Cambodia’s textile product, he said, adding that looking back to the history of 60 years of our diplomatic relations, we notice that during the last couple of years we have enjoyed increasingly good and fruitful relations and cooperation. As the government and people of Cambodia, we wish not only to keep these good existing diplomatic ties, but also to further strengthen and broaden our future relation and friendship.

He maintained on behalf of the government, I invited American business leaders to explore opportunities for trade and investment in sectors in which Cambodia has comparative advantage. I would like to encourage the US-ASEAN business council to work more closely with Cambodian business partners and relevant investment authorities to bring more US investors to Cambodia.

Despite some misunderstanding and somewhat different approaches, the cooperation between Cambodia and the United states has been deepened and strengthened in many fields such as accounting for Americans missing actions, the war on terrorism, fighting human trafficking, illicit drugs and corruption. “Regarding the contentious issues of human right s, I would like to emphasize that US and Cambodia should respect each other’s positions, Dr. Sok An noted. “Cambodian people still remember the work done by Dean Acheson for our country. He was a lawyer that defended case of Preah Vihear temple against Thailand and in 1962 the world court awarded the Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia. Ek Sereywath, former Cambodia to the US said in ceremony that Cambodian trade with US was accounted for about 2 billion US dollars. Cambodia exported to US mostly textile product. Trade is trying to boost for mutual benefits, Ek added.
“ties were severed times , including during the dark days of the Khmer rouge, before the current phase of the relationship –the one we now find ourselves in –began, US ambassador to Cambodia Carol A. Rodley said at the ceremony. “But while the relationship is undoubtedly strong , it is important for us to understand how we arrived here, so that we might learn from our mistakes and build on our successes, she said, adding that a strong grasp of the past will help us ensure that relationship continues to progress over the next 60 years. Sixty years ago, this month, on July 11, 1950, Donald R Heath presented his credentials as U.S. envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the King father, marking the first time that the United States had a permanent diplomatic representative in the country. Over the course of next six decades, the relationship would evolve substantially with many of these changes occurring within the geopolitical context of the day including the cold war and the growth in relevance of the United Nations.
Chheang Vannarith, executive director, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) said at the event that a Cambodian –US relation over the last 60 years was mainly dominated by international power politics and ideology rather than economic development policy. Cambodian-US relation in the next 60 years will be shaped by economic interdependency and common regional strategic interest.

“Cambodia-US relations in next 60 years will rely on global, regional, and national environment. It forecasts more positive development will take place to nourish the bilateral relationship. Government to government relations will be stronger while people to people and business to business will be even much stronger,” he stresses.
The symposium also joined by three former US ambassadors to Cambodia including Kent Wiedemann, Charles Ray and Joseph Mussomeli as guest speakers. Famous scholars like Dr Kenton Clymer, and Dr David Chandler, and former foreign minister Prince Norodom Sirivudh. Dr Franklin Huffman joined with H.E Chuch Phoeurn, secretary of state of ministry of culture and fine arts delivered their speech on culture exchange cooperation. Hundreds of Cambodian students were taken part for the event. “the younger generation will play very important role for stronger relationships between the two countries, Ambassador Rodley said in closing ceremony. ###

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