Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Long Heng: dollarization in Cambodia

Asia development Bank on July 6 released the book, “Dealing with Multiple Currencies in Transitional Economies: The Scope for Cooperation in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Viet Nam,” that is working closely together on monetary and financial issues would allow the three Southeast Asian countries to increase stability and introduce common best practices and regulatory standards.

"Sharing information and experiences would help the monetary authorities of Cambodia,
Lao PDR, and Viet Nam to find a solution to the dollarization issue,” said Giovanni Capannelli, Principal Economist in ADB's Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) and a co-editor of the book said in a press conference at ADB office here. “The three countries need to take into account the various degrees of dollarization in their economies and try to improve regional cooperation, both among themselves and with the rest of the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations." He said.
"Dollarization blunts the tools for macroeconomic stabilization, especially monetary and exchange rate policy that countries need to tackle a variety of economic and developmental issues, such as spiraling inflation. The adjustment to external shocks can also be more prolonged and painful in the presence of the multiple currency phenomenon," said Jayant Menon, Principal Economist in ADB's OREI and the book's other co-author.
The book says that future proposals for a common monetary or exchange rate framework among the three countries should take account of the multiple currencies used in their economies.
The book also highlights the importance of regional macroeconomic surveillance to preserve financial stability and ensure monetary policy and exchange rate regimes in the three countries remain consistent with their long-term economic development goals.
“Closer cooperation on monetary and financial issues would enable Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), and Viet Nam to effectively address challenges arising from the use of multiple currencies in their respective economies, says the book from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Greater regional dialogue on these issues could also help them to improve the effectiveness of their monetary and exchange rate policies, while reaping greater benefits from their increasing economic interdependence.
As well as the local currency, people in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam often use other countries’ currencies to conduct business. The US dollar is the main alternative currency, in a practice called dollarization, although additional currencies are also in wide circulatIt is believed that the share of foreign currencies range from around 20% of all currency in circulation in Viet Nam, about 50% in Lao PDR, and more than 90% in Cambodia.
Dollarization has costs and benefits. On the plus side, it can impose discipline on governments since they cannot easily finance budget shortfalls by printing money and imposing fresh taxes. If dollarization leads to a near fixed exchange rate, prices are also less volatile.
However, the use of multiple currencies can result in economic authorities losing control over monetary and exchange rate policies. It also restricts the power of central banks as the lender of last resort given they print only one of the many currencies that the public is willing to hold.

Jayant said that the US dollar is widely used in Cambodia in addition to the national currency, the riel. In Lao PDR, the kip is used together with the dollar and the Thai baht. In Viet Nam, the dong is the only official currency, but the dollar can be used as a store of value, so a considerable share of bank deposits is denominated in dollars. The Vietnamese also hold more gold on average, on a per dollar of income basis, than anyone else in the world, underlining the lack of confidence in the local currency .

H.E Dr.Hang Chuon Narong, secretary of state for ministry of economy and finance said in the event at ADB that in Cambodia, local people used dollar widely in daily transaction. Dollarization and riel issue related situation of Cambodian economy itself. Our goal is to have economic growth even using dollar or riel currency because our export to foreign markets counted in dollar. Local people preferred US currency than euro. It also related to taxation, customs, and business, investment and trade,” he noted. Some people urged and preferred to use riel to show identity and sovereign state but they preferred to keep dollar in bank more than riel. They did not keep gold. “The behavior of people reflected their truth and confidence on the dollar currency,” he added.
He stated in 2006-2008, when South Korea investors came to invest here, tourists and economic growth also rose. We have more dollars in the central bank and our international reserve increased to over 2 billion US dollars late 2008.
Currently, Cambodia is facing depreciation of riel currency and the national bank of Cambodia took intervention to buy riel note back to stabilize value of riel. On July 6, one dollar costs 4,227 riels in bidding and customer sells out 4,235 riel for a dollar, data from the national bank said. Cambodia circulated about 500 million of riel currency. Therefore it needs about 10 million US dollars to stabilize riel. #

Long Heng: Cambodia launches national development plan update 2009-2013

Cambodia launches national development plan update 2009-2013

The Cambodian government on July 7 launched the national strategic development plan update 2009-2013 which will serve as the fundamental policy instrument for implementation of rectangular strategic phase two in a move to boost economic growth, development of the country and conceptually responsive to current situations in the region and the world.

“We have many tasks to do including strengthen governance, fight against corruption, efficiently deliver public services and to foster a culture of transparency and accountability,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E Keat Chhon said in his opening remark of the launching ceremony in Phnom Penh.

“We have to promote deeper and more comprehensive reform programs in all sectors,” he added. He highlighted that strengthening peace, political stability, security and social order to promote the rule of law, protect human rights and dignity and multi-party democracy in order to create a conducive political and social environment for sustainable development in longer term.

“The plan also focuses on promoting and maintaining a high economic growth rate and ensuring rapid poverty reduction is high priority for all government institutions. It required not only a more and the private sector, but also more effective coordination and collaboration within and across the government ministries and the development community, particularly in key are such agriculture and rural development, and infrastructure development, irrigation and water resources management and trade facilitation,” he noted. The development will be focused on enhancing the productivity and diveristication of the agriculture sector and expansion of the education, technical and vocational training, and health services in the rural areas,” he stresses. He continued that the integration of Cambodian economy is the dynamic markets within ASEAN, GMS and Cambodia-Laos Vietnam cooperation framework on roads, railways, ports and airports, private sector development and integrate informal sector both small and medium enterprises in formal economy.

He said that the national strategy development plan Update 2009-213 is issue of budget which in difficult stage. Through this NSDP update 2009-2013, the government has set a target of 6,278 million US dollars for public sector investments to implement the government’s prioritized policies for the fourth legislature of which 4, 278 million US dollars for public sector capital investment requirements, 1 billion US dollars for providing targeted support to the development and diversification of rural economies in order to alleviate poverty in rural and remote areas and to the emergency support to mitigate the adverse impact of the global financial crisis and economic downturn to the vulnerable and the poor, 500 million US dollars for expanding social sectors services to achieve Cambodian Millennium Development goals and 500 million US dollars for strengthening the capacity of government institutions to efficiently deliver the program and services.

“I think that having in hand the national strategic development plan update 2009-2013 that is disseminated today is not sufficient for the development of our nation,”he said, adding that we still have a great deal task to accomplish and we have to implement through enhancing policy coordination with community of development partners and financiers, to strengthen governance aiming at especially fighting against corruption, as well as promoting the implementation of the deeper and the more comprehensive reform programs in all sectors, in which all works must combine in an inter-connected and cross-supporting system for the goals of socio-economic development and better natural resources and environmental management.

“All relevant ministries and institutions must prepare its own sector strategic development plan or update it through reviewing all existing and new projects and programs that supported by the domestic and foreign resources in order to ensure the alignment and linkage with priorities of the NSDP updates as well as timely preparing its public investment programs and budget estimation for its own sector to put it the three year rolling public investment program,” he said.

He continued that all provincial and municipalities must update their own provincial, municipal strategic development plan and must pay attention on formulation three year-rolling public investment program in conformity with the NSDP update 2009-2013 as a tool for implementing de-concentration, decentralization and decision making on the investment proposal that set out in the organic law on administrative management of capital provinces, municipalities, districts and Khan

“I urge multilateral and bilateral development partners as well as non-governmental organization to make sure that their assistance strategic are aligned and matched with the priorities of the NSDP update 2009-2013 and their development assistance are also aligned with the public investment programs. All development partners have to confirm that resources channeling through NGOs are in line with priorities and development goals stipulated in the NSDP update 2009-2013 and those resources must be utilized in the manner of transparency and responsibility,” he stresses.

He added that the government would like all ministries and agencies, development partners who are financing any action and project to give a high priority for carrying out period monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the action and copying those reports to ministry of planning after they have been finalized. This measure enables the ministry of planning to reflect them in the overall assessment of development progress of NSDP update 2009He also appealed to all partners for further attention to strengthen the capacity building of the officials in preparing plan, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the national plan especially officials within the ministry of planning and involved agencies. H.E. Chhay Than, planning minister said at the event that the NSDP update 2009-2013 as the 4th social-economic development plan is another new product for the country.

“The goal is to ensure that works to be proposed by line ministries and agencies to implement these prioritized policies are prepare taking into account potential impacts of the global financial crisis and economic downturn economic development of Cambodia,” H.E. Chhay Than sadi, adding that this plan is configured the structure of rectangular strategy phase two which covers Cambodia’s social, economic, cultural, and security sectors and specific reform measures that reflected in the 24 angels of the rectangular strategy. We thanked UNFPA for their support in this ceremony.
U.S- Cambodia Diplomatic Relations in the next 60 years

Cambodia and U.S. commemorated the 60th anniversary (1950-2010) of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on July with the many events including a two -day academic symposium in highlight of relations with broad views.

“To cultivate closer bilateral relations, our two countries should focus on the bilateral trade including the duty-free provision for Cambodian-made garments and the lowering of tariff levies on other Cambodian products,” H.E Dr Sok An, deputy prime minister and minister in charge of the office of the ministers said in opening remark at Chaktomuk Hall on July 21 in the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the kingdom of Cambodia and the United states of America.

“Investment not only in oil and gas sector but also in entering into the labor forces, as a stable production based for American companies, he added, noting educational cooperation with emphasis on vocational the training need to do and further strengthening of bilateral, regional and global cooperation. Strengthening of government to government relations by encouraging meetings between leaders, officials and the peoples of the US and Cambodia.

“We Cambodian want to believe fence design and the architecture of the new American embassy in Phnom Penh reflect a new openness and transparency in the US policy towards Cambodia,” he said, adding that the United States and Cambodian relations have come of age. The two countries are now moving forward together, not with Cambodia as an “interest”, but with Cambodia as a partner and friend,” he highlighted.

“I believe the symposium will provide a useful platform for better understanding and promoting US- Cambodia relations through exchanges of views among government officials, researchers and scholars specializing in Cambodia politics, history and international relations,” Dr Sok An said.

He emphasized that the relations during the last 60years,. The diplomatic relations, historically, between Cambodia and the US were officially cut in 1965, as Cambodia became a sideshow to America’s war in Vietnam and it resumed in 1969 and continued until 12 April 1975, when The US mission in Phnom Penh was evacuated. In November 1991 after the Paris Peace agreement, US re-established its mission in Cambodia, with the appointment of a special representative to the supreme national council.

He added that military assistance from the US resumes in 2005, legislative restrictions on bilateral assistance were lifted in 2007, and President Barack Obama removed Cambodia from the trade black list in 2009, further promoting trade between the two countries. From 1992-2009, the US has provided more than 700 million in assistance for health care, good governance, economic development, Demining and other programs through non-governmental organizations. Recently, The US promised to make a further contribution of 5 million US dollars in support of the UN side of the operation of the extraordinary chambers in the courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

“Since 2009, economic cooperation between the US and Cambodia has started a new phase with the assistance funding to come from government to government rather than through NGOS channels,” he said, adding that I wish to encourage direct cooperation between our governments. This government to government initiative will soon be put into practice, with the Cambodian government assuming ownership and responsibility for the implementation of the projects.

Dr Sok An highlighted on May, 2010, Cambodia was selected among 20 countries to receive US assistance under President Barrack Obama’s new “feed the future,” food security initiatives.

“Cambodia is committed to human resources development and I do hope the United States will provide more scholarship to deserving Cambodian students and enlarge the admission for students who are able to pay their own way to study in American. Cooperation with American partners is particularly welcome in the more advanced the technological sectors and especially in the field of vocational training,” he stressed, noting to help promote democracy in Cambodia, the US through the international republican institute and the national democratic institute has provided assistance in capacity building for political parties and in democratization process at all levels, in particular at the grass-roots level and I also acknowledge the US Peace Corps for their activities in rural areas of Cambodia.

“The cooperation has been an important factor in the economic success of Cambodia in to the last two decades. Cambodia has most favored nation status with the US and beneficiary under their generalized system of preferences and US is largest market for Cambodia’s textile product, he said, adding that looking back to the history of 60 years of our diplomatic relations, we notice that during the last couple of years we have enjoyed increasingly good and fruitful relations and cooperation. As the government and people of Cambodia, we wish not only to keep these good existing diplomatic ties, but also to further strengthen and broaden our future relation and friendship.

He maintained on behalf of the government, I invited American business leaders to explore opportunities for trade and investment in sectors in which Cambodia has comparative advantage. I would like to encourage the US-ASEAN business council to work more closely with Cambodian business partners and relevant investment authorities to bring more US investors to Cambodia.

Despite some misunderstanding and somewhat different approaches, the cooperation between Cambodia and the United states has been deepened and strengthened in many fields such as accounting for Americans missing actions, the war on terrorism, fighting human trafficking, illicit drugs and corruption. “Regarding the contentious issues of human right s, I would like to emphasize that US and Cambodia should respect each other’s positions, Dr. Sok An noted. “Cambodian people still remember the work done by Dean Acheson for our country. He was a lawyer that defended case of Preah Vihear temple against Thailand and in 1962 the world court awarded the Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia. Ek Sereywath, former Cambodia to the US said in ceremony that Cambodian trade with US was accounted for about 2 billion US dollars. Cambodia exported to US mostly textile product. Trade is trying to boost for mutual benefits, Ek added.

“ties were severed times , including during the dark days of the Khmer rouge, before the current phase of the relationship –the one we now find ourselves in –began, US ambassador to Cambodia Carol A. Rodley said at the ceremony. “But while the relationship is undoubtedly strong , it is important for us to understand how we arrived here, so that we might learn from our mistakes and build on our successes, she said, adding that a strong grasp of the past will help us ensure that relationship continues to progress over the next 60 years. Sixty years ago, this month, on July 11, 1950, Donald R Heath presented his credentials as U.S. envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the King father, marking the first time that the United States had a permanent diplomatic representative in the country. Over the course of next six decades, the relationship would evolve substantially with many of these changes occurring within the geopolitical context of the day including the cold war and the growth in relevance of the United Nations.

Chheang Vannarith, executive director, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) said at the event that a Cambodian –US relation over the last 60 years was mainly dominated by international power politics and ideology rather than economic development policy. Cambodian-US relation in the next 60 years will be shaped by economic interdependency and common regional strategic interest.

“Cambodia-US relations in next 60 years will rely on global, regional, and national environment. It forecasts more positive development will take place to nourish the bilateral relationship. Government to government relations will be stronger while people to people and business to business will be even much stronger,” he stresses.
The symposium also joined by three former US ambassadors to Cambodia including Kent Wiedemann, Charles Ray and Joseph Mussomeli as guest speakers. Famous scholars like Dr Kenton Clymer, and Dr David Chandler, and former foreign minister Prince Norodom Sirivudh. Dr Franklin Huffman joined with H.E Chuch Phoeurn, secretary of state of ministry of culture and fine arts delivered their speech on culture exchange cooperation. Hundreds of Cambodian students were taken part for the event. “the younger generation will play very important role for stronger relationships between the two countries, Ambassador Rodley said in closing ceremony. ###

Privacy in media in Cambodia still controversial, experts say

Privacy in media in Cambodia still controversial, experts say

By Chhorng Long Heng

Privacy in reporting and media system in Cambodia has continued to be a controversial issues for journalists in writing their news and photo publishing on media after the definition of the public figures and their privacies have not interpreted definitely in condition of the term, and privacy versus public interest, the experts said in seminar in Phnom Penh on July 16, that is organized by the club of Cambodian journalists in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation of Germany here.

Pen Samithy, president of the club of Cambodian Journalists said that according to his experience more than two decades in Cambodian media, privacy is still controversial issues for us as journalists because we have different views on that issues and sometimes these issues created conflicts between the journalists and honor of a person that we reported.
“Reporting about Privacy is good condition when the privacy of a person allowed us to report about their names and privacy itself to avoid the conflicts,” Pen said, adding we have to be balance between the privacy versus public interests in reporting news because sometimes, the newspapers sold dearly because we revealed the identity of that person.

“We also need to be balance between the moralities and decency in our culture in reporting about privacy of a person,” he emphasized. He highlighted that some media reported about the family that a husband has three wives and they lived together and the report revealed their names and positions and living conditions of the families but the article is popular for readers and it gained the benefits for media. But that is their privacy only but media published it on the magazines. The media will be ok if that family does not file the complaints against media.

“We have to promote our professional to avoid reporting “lie” about privacy of a person and if not so, the journalists will face with law punishment both compensation and criminal code,” he stresses. Our media has different culture with western culture, he noted. He added culture of arresting and penalized when French authorities arrived here, before people gossiped from one to another without punishment or facing with legal issues. The definition of privacy is also not clear for us, he added. He raised an example that in 1990s he also used to have a court complaint after his newspaper published a photo about a governmental soldier hanged the head of a Khmer Rouge soldier. The government’s soldier at that time could not stay at home after he was threatened and sought the vengeance from family Khmer Rouge soldier because of photo. He agreed to compromise with the solider to avoid court complaints. “From that, he also urged the journalists to avoid reporting about photo which could harm victims or using blurred photos on media. And when we reported about sexual abuse or harassment, we should use name’s abbreviation to protect honor of the victims,” he said, adding reporting privacy related to the policy of media in each place itself. But we should have option to publish privacy of a person and protect privacy. Some newspapers like in some countries compared about reporting privacy and court complaints, if they think, they gained benefits higher than court suit and they will publish even they know, they have court issues.
Chang Sinat, Judge of Phnom Penh Court, and Professor of the academy of judicial professionals, said that in Cambodia, Laws on privacy in reporting involved with some legal laws. And the journalists could face legal punishment and compensation about that article that violated other privacy. She said that protection of privacy both private life and living conditions of privacy was said by laws. Even in the international law like universal declaration of human rights also protect the rights from violating honor and fame. Jugde Sinat said media should join to protect honor of reputation of a person in sexual abuse and avoid reporting ugly words. All persons are presumption of innocent before the court sentences. Some articles in laws could punish journalists about using insult words, photos, reporting disinformation. Privacy of a person also should protect by law, she said, adding journalists need to report in balance between public interest and privacy. In journalism law, defamation will punish from 250US dollar to 1,250 US dollars and face correction on articles.
Ms. Rabea Bruaer, representative of Konrad Adenauer Foundation and experienced journalist in western world said under topic of experience in a western country, privacy and media that in European also is controversial issues about reporting privacy. “Privacy in European usually involved in celebrity, fashion model, movie star with drug, princess, prince defense minister and president to chancellor,” she said, adding that some leaders in European have lovers or partners even they have not separated with their wives. Some leaders has partner that is younger than over 34 years,” she said, adding that current media coverage and privacy, media respect privacy of the people keep continuing to consider among us. Sometimes, because of wanting to report about privacy, journalists become the threat of other people’s lives like case of Princess Diana. Privacy is a global matter in present media context,” she noted. ###

Cambodia-US focus on expanding trade and investment
The U.S. and Cambodia on July 13 hosted the trade and investment seminar to expand the trade and investment volume after both sides expressed strong engagement during the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties.
The announcement made during the forum of “Made in America” in Phnom Penh, about 100 participants including local business and trading companies, US and other international companies in Cambodia and Cambodian business associations that also are presided over by U.S. ambassador and senior trade official. “This event also contributed to 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Cambodia and the U.S. The bilateral trade will continue to grow after the recovery from the global economic crisis and Cambodia’s garment sector still have room to grow,” Ambassador Carol A. Rodley said. She said that it will also promote the trade for the two countries.

The statement added this one-day conference will focus on enhancing Cambodian awareness of the advantages of USA product and services and to provide strategies and motivation to Cambodian market. “The conference will also seek to educate the local business community on the ex-Im bank´s new trade e financing mechanism, types of products and services available to the Cambodian private sector, as well as how to access them.
H.E. Pan Sorasak, secretary of state of commerce ministry said that the garment product of Cambodia to US is worth about 2 billion US dollars. The event will help promote further trade. Cambodia has political stability and economic growth about 10 per cent over the last decade, he added. The investment will offer chance to create jobs and bilateral cooperation,” he stresses.

The event hosted by the U.S. embassy in Phnom Penh in cooperation with the US commercial services, the US foreign agricultural services and the US export-Import Bank.

Francis Peters, commercial attaché of The US embassy in Thailand said at the event that The US commercial services offices through the US and in American embassies and consulates innearly 80 countries and the global network of trade professionals can help businesspeople connect US companies looking for international buyers. We can assist you to participate in trade shows that feature thousands of US companies and locates US products, services or business partners and meet suppliers and partners face-to face,” he said, adding that our proven expertise makes doing business with the US easier and whether s first –time importer or an experienced one.
2010 key prospects for Cambodian importers, we have architecture and construction equipment, household goods and appliances, automotive and parts, education and training services, electrical power system, equipment , electronic components, agri-business, and food processing, and retail and franchising business, healthcare supplies, and medical devices, safety and security equipment and telecommunication and broadcasting equipment.

Mark dunn, regional manager for Asia, trade and development agency said that US- ASEAN partnership programs was highlighted during President Obama conclude a meeting with ten leaders of ASEAN in November 2009 reaffirming, that that US is committed to strengthening its engagement in Southeast Asia both with our individuals allies and partners , and with ASEAN as an institution”. “Fundamental to the success of this effort is meeting our common challenges, including addressing climate change and working together to promote a sustained and balance global economic recovery,” he said, adding that through this program in Cambodia, this 361,000 US dollars training program and reverse trade mission strengthened the capacity of the Cambodian national Petroleum Authority to work with private sector partners like Chevron in the exploration and development of their natural resources. He stated the training, held in Phnom Penh addressed topic such as commercial contracts, delimitation and joint development cases studies, project evaluation fundamentals, energy project economics, field reserve estimation development and evaluation, petroleum marketing markers participated by trade mission to the US to meet with US public and private sector.

He said that the ex-im bank in Cambodia available for business starting in October 2009 provided short (repayment up to one year) and medium term (repayment from one to seven years) loans to the private sector to support import of the UD products. Support is limited to transactions with a commercial bank as an obligor or guarantor. However, ex-im bank will consider transactions without a bank undertaking on a case by case basis.
He noted that the ex- im bank in Cambodia, the bank can also consider financing for US exports to Cambodian private sector buyers on longer repayment terms under certain conditions, such as structured finance transactions that earn revenue off-shore and are held in a bank or trust account acceptable to ex-im, bank. He added that asset backed lease and financing structures for equipment exports such as us manufacturing commercial aircraft. In ASEAN, the ex-im bank has provided over 305 million US dollar for its processing.

according to statistics from US trade balance document, bilateral trade between Cambodia and the US was worth over 2 billion US dollars, the US exported to Cambodia about 127 million US dollar and at the same time, the US imported about 1, 1924 million US dollars products from Cambodia, mostly garment product.. The US is the largest market for Cambodia’s garment product. It added that in 2010, for five months of this year, bilateral trade was worth about 875 million US dollars. The US imported product about 809 million US dollar from Cambodia.


Cambodia’s anti-corruption unit will work for asset declaration for first priority

Cambodia’s anti-corruption unit will work for asset declaration for first priority

Cambodia’s anti-corruption unit on 13 announced that it will work on the governmental officials to claim their asset to implement the anti-corruption law when the law comes into force.

“Asset declaration from the governmental officials will be first priority for the unit that need to do,” H.E Om Yen Tieng, head of anti-corruption unit (ACU) told reporters in a new conference at the office. About 100,000 people will announce about their assets and it will happen before November this year and they need to claim their assets in every two years and usually in January, he said, adding if it delayed about asset for all people, please understand our situation of work.

“ACU also will continue to educate, and investigate more cases to implement the law of anti-corruption,” Tieng announced, adding that definition of corruption cases broadly identifies including sex bribery, and other abstract issues. He noted that after we passed the law, the case of corruption was not open like before, he said, adding that people started to be afraid of law before implementing and this is good step for us.

He continued that now, we have 6 million US dollars from the government to spend for 2011 action plan and it also will be used to renovate the office and implement our strategy to fight against corruption in the country. He stresses that more than 100 officials from the unit have been trained about the investigation on the corruption and ways of arresting the bribery officials and people.

He continued that the Unit will host the Regional ASEAN Conference on Anti-corruption in November. From now, we have places to do to practice the law. We will do four sub-decrees on the process of the unit including structure, appointment of officials at the provinces,.

“The governmental officials who have duties to declare asset starting from the appointment by the prime minister and king, they will claim their asset before and leave from the work,” he added, noting “We will protect the sources that revealed the cases of corruption, and we will seek concrete evidence to charge the corruption officials.

“Soon we will sign MOU with ministry of justice to process of the corruption case. It will help keeping sources in secret areas, he said, adding that Cambodian officials who combat corruption have learned from Singapore, Hong Kong, The U.S.and Malaysia and they must be clean ones in our unit. He also appealed for media to help fighting against corruption, report and cooperate to arrest corruption officials. Media will play a crucial role for fighting against corruption and investigate the corruption cases,” he emphasized.

Anti-corruption expert from Hong Kong, Tony Kwok, who helped training Cambodian officials at the anti-corruption unit, said that when we have the good law like anti-corruption law, we all need good staff, I mean clean staff to implement the law that will bring us to more effective and efficient. The media will pay more important role in investigation of corruption and bribery case. And it will join actively to report about these cases and will help the glue for the ACU to follow up and investigate the case,” Tony noted. The media is crucial and useful for helping the law,” he stresses. He added that all staff and governmental officials have to tell about their debt or properties before the appointment and after they leave position in order to be transparency in field of work. Some countries that I have known, they also failed in practicing the law on anti-corruption because their staffs are not good people, either. Priority, the staffs of ACU need to be good people in crucial stage,” Tony said, adding that we have to set up the 24 hours hotline phone, email, fax to get the complaints from people about the corruption and ACU need to totally support identity. The strategy of ACU needs to strengthen the important system for following the cases,” Tony said. ###

Cambodia wraps up command post exercise of Angkor sentinel 2010

Cambodia wraps up command post exercise of Angkor Sentinel 2010

Cambodia on July 23 wrapped up the command post exercise which is a part of “Angkor sentinel 201with achieving successfully in training human resources in promotion for the forthcoming peacekeeping missions.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of common post exercise, H.E Prak Sokhonn, minister attached to the prime minister and secretary of state for the council of minister and chairman of the GPOI-10 commission said that we have successfully achieved our exercise with the concepts and objectives of CPX training as scheduled and this one of the great achievement of the GPOI-10 mission training exercise –Angkor sentinel 2010.
“We thanked you all that supported us as hosting country for this military exercise. We need to continuously keep our relationship in spirit of maintaining peaceful world and safety for all,” H.E. Prak Sokhonn told the hundred of participants at a hotel in Phnom Penh.

Lt.Gen Nem Sowath, chief of general department of political affairs and foreign affairs and chairman of the common post exercise (CPX) sub-commission said in ceremony that the CPX has been conducted from July 12 to July 23, 2010 which is part of the GPOI-10 common plan.

The members of participated countries and forces have changed a little bit compared to the organized plan which included sixteen countries, five observing countries and two international organizations due to the two countries were absent. However, the number of participated military increased from 137 to 167 since the number of observers has been increased and some of them became as officials participants. He added the training exercise processes has been successfully conducted with the CPX concepts as scheduled with UN standard training module for the level of staff officer training included the UN system and mission structure and staff, UN integrated mission planning, media in PKO, international humanitarian law, and ICRC, lessons learnt of the RCAF from UN peace support operations, UN standard operation procedure, rule of engagement and UN logistics, public information in PKO, intelligence in UNPKO, affected and vulnerable populations, international humanitarian actors, disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration. “More than that we also conducted experience sharing on the win –win policy in Cambodia and the Somalia peace keeping experience –lecturing as well,” he said, adding that the training was strictly conducted with great consideration of obligation for UNPKO. “We have also manage more than 80 role players ranging from force commander, deputy force commander, chief of staff, personnel, operation, logistic, plan, communication, civil military, legal officer to public information officer for responding to their work roles and hierarchy by abide by the indicated laws and regulations of the U. this means that we have taken the UN jobs to perform in order to get the UN recognition,” he highlighted, noting during the full -12 day, the 167 military officers have closely communicated with each other like a family. That is, obligation in the CPX exercise demonstrated the strong commitment and high responsibility for achieving the common goal aiming at absorbing the know -how knowledge for solving conflicts and building humanitarian concepts in the future UNPKO missions. Even scheduled time was over for listening to the lecture Lt Gen. Montgomery sharing his experience about 1993 operations in Somalia (UNISOM), everyone was still with him in getting such great experience. This really reflected the great obedience and order of all military officers in the exercise. We all thanked Co-partner USPACOM for their support, he added.

“It will never be possible to say the problem of establishing unity in any allied command is even completely solved. This problem involves the human equation and must be day by day. Patience, tolerance, frankness, absolute honest in all dealings, particularly with all persons of the opposite nationality, and firmness, are absolute essential… never permit any problem to be approached in your staff on the basis of national interest..,” Dwight D.Hower, a senior military officer said, adding that The multi –national leader skill set focus on leader competency, courage and character, vision and guidance, interpersonal skills- personal relationships count, and an effective communicator, a team builder –cohesion and consensus, -atmosphere of trust and confidence, adaptive leader style, mission –type orders when possible –a reasonable risk taker. All these based on the UN strategic leadership for peacekeeping mission. “We have some challenges within a combined staff, no common language, and no common doctrine, interoperability. Differing staff techniques, sharing information and intelligence, keeping “secrets” secret and our different military cultures, national political influences exists, building and maintaining consensus,” he added.

Jin Kwan Jung, a senior military official from South Korea, peace keeping center told SEAW that this is the first we came to Cambodia, and the process of command post exercise conducted very well and it has done, he said. Cambodia officials are well -prepared for this event from the before, starting event and after the event. “I do hope this exercise this will help strengthen the cooperation between Cambodia and South Korea and other countries that joined in exercise,” he noted. Military and military, people and people will know each other further from this exercise,” Jung added.

In the countries send their senior officials to join the CPX including Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, hosting Cambodia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam, and other two international organizations. ###

Cambodia's Garment Workers Get salary increase in 2010

Cambodia’s Garment Workers Get Salary Increase

Cambodia’s ministry of labor and vocational training on July 8 announced that after the broad talks with representatives of employers and workers at the ministry, the committee of advisory labor decided to increase salary for all textile, garment and shoe workers on basic salary of with 5 dollars wage rising, and 6 US dollars for living conditions’ allowances across the country, starting to implement from October 1, 2010 and it will come into force until 2014 that is the next session for reviewing agreement. .

“We have agreed to increase salary for the workers to 56 US dollars per month for fresh workers in probation term, and they get only 45 US dollars as minimum salary. At the same time, we increased salary for full membership workers to 61 US dollars per month as basic salary for all of them,” H.E. Vong Suth, minister of labor and vocational training said. “In case, the workers have worked overtime, they will get extra and bonus money in each month from employers,” he explained. The salary that decided this time is basic salary only, and the employees who get the salary through product quantity, known as counting from product, will receive wage through obvious results that they have done. The employers need to add money to the level of 56 US dollars for a month. Currently, we have about 300,000 workers and most of them are women from rural areas. “Benefits from workers could help the living conditions of their families,” he noted.

Van Sou Ieng, president of Garment Manufacturer’s Association of Cambodia (GMAC) told reporters that our workers need to work hard for productivity chain to get more money and now this industry is so very competitive in current situation of global market.

He continued: We have 230 garment manufacturers as memberships in our association and they are following the rule of international standards. The workers need to strengthen the quality of products and work faster than before to implement purchasing order for buyers. The representatives from workers demanded salary increase too high, we as employers could not afford. “When they could not afford, they will leave Cambodia to invest at other countries,” he said. Their demand is injustice for employers,” he added. He highlighted that now; we reached to agree on the decision from government, majority from representatives of employees and employers on basic salary of 61$ per month for workers.

Meas Sophea, senior official of trade unit for commerce ministry said that we have to consider about the benefits for workers if the employers and investors left here to other countries, our workers will lay off job and they faced with living condition’s difficulties. “We also will lose benefits for workers and the benefits of country. “Some serious reaction from union leaders for increasing salary, it has made employers to go where else that they could earn from the business,” he noted. He stressed that in the sixth month of this year, garment product was exported to foreign market increase to 11 per cent; especially we exported to US markets, and EU. He hinted that purchasing order from buyers for the whole year totally will be increased about 10 per cent if comparing in 2009. The space for growing garment product for our country is only 10 per cent is very narrow; the buyers let us know. “Mostly garment product this year will go the United States , he said, adding that we still decreased if comparing with previous years. In 2009, Cambodia got 2,658 million US dollar and in 2008 for 3,158 million US dollar from garment sector.

The garment sector is in fragile situation after it is in competitiveness from other countries in global market.” he noted. “I want employers to increase more than today because food and price of house also is higher,” Yong Cheng, a garment worker at Stung Mean. Salary is very difficult for living daily,” she said. Union leaders asked for 93 US dollars per month for basic salary of garment workers. ##.

Cambodia's Garment Workers Get salary increase

Cambodia’s Garment Workers Get Salary Increase

Cambodia’s ministry of labor and vocational training on July 8 announced that after the broad talks with representatives of employers and workers at the ministry, the committee of advisory labor decided to increase salary for all textile, garment and shoe workers on basic salary of with 5 dollars wage rising, and 6 US dollars for living conditions’ allowances across the country, starting to implement from October 1, 2010 and it will come into force until 2014 that is the next session for reviewing agreement. .

“We have agreed to increase salary for the workers to 56 US dollars per month for fresh workers in probation term, and they get only 45 US dollars as minimum salary. At the same time, we increased salary for full membership workers to 61 US dollars per month as basic salary for all of them,” H.E. Vong Suth, minister of labor and vocational training said.

“In case, the workers have worked overtime, they will get extra and bonus money in each month from employers,” he explained. The salary that decided this time is basic salary only, and the employees who get the salary through product quantity, known as counting from product, will receive wage through obvious results that they have done. The employers need to add money to the level of 56 US dollars for a month. Currently, we have about 300,000 workers and most of them are women from rural areas. “Benefits from workers could help the living conditions of their families,” he noted.
Van Sou Ieng, president of Garment Manufacturer’s Association of Cambodia (GMAC) told reporters that our workers need to work hard for productivity chain to get more money and now this industry is so very competitive in current situation of global market.

He continued: We have 230 garment manufacturers as memberships in our association and they are following the rule of international standards. The workers need to strengthen the quality of products and work faster than before to implement purchasing order for buyers. The representatives from workers demanded salary increase too high, we as employers could not afford. “When they could not afford, they will leave Cambodia to invest at other countries,” he said. Their demand is injustice for employers,” he added. He highlighted that now; we reached to agree on the decision from government, majority from representatives of employees and employers on basic salary of 61$ per month for workers.

Meas Sophea, senior official of trade unit for commerce ministry said that we have to consider about the benefits for workers if the employers and investors left here to other countries, our workers will lay off job and they faced with living condition’s difficulties. “We also will lose benefits for workers and the benefits of country. “Some serious reaction from union leaders for increasing salary, it has made employers to go where else that they could earn from the business,” he noted. He stressed that in the sixth month of this year, garment product was exported to foreign market increase to 11 per cent; especially we exported to US markets, and EU. He hinted that purchasing order from buyers for the whole year totally will be increased about 10 per cent if comparing in 2009. The space for growing garment product for our country is only 10 per cent is very narrow; the buyers let us know. “Mostly garment product this year will go the United States , he said, adding that we still decreased if comparing with previous years. In 2009, Cambodia got 2,658 million US dollar and in 2008 for 3,158 million US dollar from garment sector.

The garment sector is in fragile situation after it is in competitiveness from other countries in global market.” he noted. “I want employers to increase more than today because food and price of house also is higher,” Yong Cheng, a garment worker at Stung Mean. Salary is very difficult for living daily,” she said. Union leaders asked for 93 US dollars per month for basic salary of garment workers. ##.

Cambodia debates draft law on pesticides and agricultural inputs in 2010

Cambodia debates draft law on pesticides and agricultural inputs

Chhorng Long Heng

Cambodia’s ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries on July 14 started debating publicly the law on pesticides and agricultural inputs in a move to manage the pesticides in the country after the local farmers have used it widely in growing the agricultural crops, and protecting the people’s health and environmental sustainability“This law aims at regulating the management, the standard requirement, the trade and the use services of pesticide and agricultural inputs in the country,” Dr. H.E Chan Sarun, minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries said in his opening remark at consultative seminar of the law in Phnom Penh .

“This law also is to support the national agricultural sector policy in enhancing the potential of agricultural products and ensure effective control of pesticide and agricultural inputs, and enhance public awareness in the application of standard requirements in the trade, the use services and handling of pesticides and agricultural inputs with safety, to protect interest of farmers in agricultural product and other relevant users with ensuring food security, public health and sustainable agro-ecosystem,” Dr. Chan Sarun added.

“This law will apply to all types of pesticides, fertilizers, animal feeds and additives and veterinary medicines as well as raw material used as composition and active ingredients formulation of these products. All activities by the physical person and legal persons relating to all types of trade in pesticides and agricultural inputs, pesticide use services, commercial advertisement donation, disposal, destruction of pesticides and agricultural inputs in the country,” He highlighted in the seminar.

He said that traditional pesticides of agricultural inputs produced by farmers through formulation of natural substances for using in household agricultural production or for non-commercial or non- use services purpose shall be determine by a particularly sub –decree.

“In Cambodia, pesticide and agricultural inputs are supportive sources that have been using in growing agricultural crops for boosting productivity and enhancing quantity and quality in agricultural sector,” he said, adding that developing countries has been using pesticide and chemical fertilizers to promote quantity of agricultural products but at the same time, when farmer used these risk substances without consideration and it turned to destroy health, and environment. He noted that we have experience to use pesticide and agricultural inputs since 1950s for supporting to grow rice and other agricultural crops, and it was provided by the donor at that time.

In 1998, we set up the rules of controlling the agricultural materials even though it has still some negative factors for agricultural materials flowing from neighboring countries illegally and processed freely at markets without quality, both information labeled in foreign language and local farmers have not understood. In 2009, we conducted the research on using pesticides in country.

The figure showed that chemical fertilizers on markets registered with ministry about 33 per cent and 14 per cent of chemical fertilizers wrote in Khmer, and pesticides of 12 per cent registered with ministry, and 2 of pesticides wrote in Khmer. At that same time, 87 per cent of pesticides did not register and 5 of them banned using by ministry and 6 per cent banned by world health organization. Only 13 per cent of those banned pesticides wrote in Khmer. “We want the pesticides and agricultural inputs to label in Khmer, therefore local farmers could use them properly to avoid destroying their health and using them at standard in growing agricultural crops,” the minister noted. He added the figure also shows that in the country, pesticide and agricultural inputs have used widely in Kandal province, which was known because local farmer has grown agricultural crops to supply Phnom Penh .

We also will become signatory member of Rotterdam Convention in purpose of protection of flowing pesticide and chemical fertilizers with high risk and violated the international law. The main reason, we do not want to turn our country into waste store and a place of testing pesticides and other chemicals in agricultural sector that contained high risk and prohibition. We have to continuously educate our farmers about danger of pesticides, and urge them to use with standard,” he said, adding that we also thanked to development partners like FAO and JICA and NGO Forum that contributed in draft law.

“It will also review and assess the completion of standard requirements at pre-registration for trade of pesticides and agricultural inputs and the pesticide use services, and to verify the guaranteed analysis of pesticide and agricultural inputs at a laboratory and to undertake bio-efficacy trial in a field in order to define the data for the assessment of the registration application,” article 6 of draft law said, adding that It will designate inspection agents of pesticide and agricultural inputs in order to monitor, to control and to undertake enforcement measures to all trade and use service activities and the application of standard requirement of all pesticide agricultural inputs, and to conduct international cooperation and play role as the national focal institution, responsible for leading and implementing relevant obligations under international conventions or agreements on pesticide and agro-chemicals, to perform other task within the jurisdiction of management of pesticide and agricultural inputs in accordance with law.

“The government will establish the national council for pesticide which shall be led by the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, with the department of agricultural legislation of the ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries serving as its secretariat. The national council will define, monitor, assess the implementation of national policies and strategies for the management of pesticides, and provide recommendation to the government on the signification of pesticide related international convention and agreements, and decide on the proposed classification and list of pesticide in country, the organization and functioning of the national council for pesticide shall be determined by a sub-decree,” the article 7 of the draft law reporteArticle 91 said that it shall be penalized to imprison from 6 months to three years and impose fine from 5,000 dollars to 10,000 US dollars to revoke all relevant permits as well as to confiscate or destroy evidences to an offender who commits any offences like behaving activities in manufacturing, formulating repackaging agricultural inputs without a technical standard or using raw materials as genetically modified organisms and as chemicals promoting unusual growth to all types of crops or animals, trading counterfeit agricultural inputs or its guaranteed analysis of nutrient substances or its composition, differing from the confirmation on the labels or which contradicts the affirmation during registration, trading agricultural inputs by adding or taking out any ingredients from a container, which differing from the original standard from manufacturing or which contradicts affirmation during registration, trading counterfeit agricultural inputs or ex-standard agricultural inputs, a counterfeit container, a counterfeit Khmer label, a counterfeit registration number on the container.

In case of recidivism, it shall be penalized in double and shall repair the damages or shall impose a civil compensatory, in case an offense causes hazard to health, damage to the environment and damage to properties either within a private or public framework. The law has 12 chapters containing 100 articles. After publicly debating this time, it will hand over to the national assembly to approve soon and the views and ideas from debating will be input to establish law firmly,” Dr Chan Sarun noted.

Chit Sam Ath, head of NGO Forum said at the event that 85 per cent of Cambodians are farmers. After we observed for 10 years, we found that the pesticides and agricultural inputs created communicable illnesses to local farmers and destroyed people’s health and it has threatened the agricultural system in the country. We believed that we have to join together to share economic ad social benefits with equity for using natural resources for substantiality,” he said, noting that reducing and managing pesticides in agricultural sector strictly will contribute enhancing to increase agricultural product effectively. #

LONGHENG: Cambodia eyes on “one province, one university”

Cambodia eyes on “one province, one university”

Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on July 19 expressed his ambition to build one university for one province in a move to expand the education system and promote human resources in development of the country.

“To realize the target of “one province, one university”, we must promote the education and training of professional skills that are highly suitable for local and rural development such as agriculture, rural development, agro-industry, health, enterprise management and others. so that the graduates can further take part in local development, that is “development human resource in the province for provincial development” Samdech Prime Minister said in his address at conferment of degrees and diplomas of Svay Rieng university, which was built in 2006. We are trying to push schools nearby people to be easy for them to learn and help develop the society and communities,” he stresses. He stated one of four Cambodians is a student currently.

“We must ensure that provincial graduates acquire the right knowledge, skills and techniques, more importantly national conscious and will. Particularly, we must encourage them to learn and work with government institutions, private sector and civil society that could be in the form of internship, thesis writing, or workshop participation,” Samdech added. Samdech also expressed his sincere thanks for charitable activities of national conscience that will be remembered and recorded in the history. This exemplary inspire the present and future generations to contribute in socio-economic development and ensure sustainable and equitable education for everyone in the society and give them hope in life.

He added: I take great pride in the achievements of the education sector, both in terms of quantity and quality. Along with this, we have implemented the Law on Education adopted on December 8, 2007 and other supporting policies and strategies such as the Education Strategic Plan and the Education Sector Support Program 2009-2010. Moreover, I strongly support the Development Plan for Higher Education Teachers and Administrative Officers, Single Framework for Curriculum Development and Accreditation, Action Plan for Promoting the Use of Information System in the Management of Higher Education, and the Plan for transforming all Public Higher Education Institutions into Independent Public Entity.
“Through this, I strongly believe that higher education institutions will be able to make a significant progress, both in terms of quantity and quality, and gain international recognition to welcome foreign students,” he noted. This progress indeed cannot be achieved without the Royal Government’s clear vision and action plans, joint efforts among all stakeholders including support from development partners, national and international organizations, the private sector and especially the public.
“I observe the present trend of building universities in municipalities and provinces to provide education services on-site such as the University of Battambang, Meanchey University, Chea Sim Kamchay Mea University, the Svay Rieng University and so forth, he said, adding that I think we should encourage and provide our full support for the establishment of new universities within other municipalities and provinces to provide on-site education to reduce spending of sending their children to distant higher education institutions and to realize the vision of “one province, one university”.

He also request the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, the municipal and provincial authorities and relevant institutions to work on quality improvement in those higher education institutions to produce skilled, qualified and ethical workers. “I would like to request municipal/provincial authorities, district authorities and commune/sangkat authorities to provide employment opportunities to local youths so that they can take part in the development effort, Samdech said.

He also said that Youths are comparable to bamboo shoots, as they will become the country’s future leaders and officials. This requires them to study hard on technical skill and respect ethical rules. Youths must remember there is no an end to education because of constant technological change. In this connection, they must work hard and be active for all kinds of work, understand management philosophy as well as politics, economics and social issues. “I think they will be an important component of development as most educated youths are now assuming important positions, with full of potential and energy,” he added.

He also encouraged students to learn. “You must adhere to the concept of “Endless Learning” by all means to become wise, rational and ethical resource in the society. I strongly believe you will apply and adapt your knowledge and know-how into real work and adhere to ethical codes in the pursuit of self and social development,” he said. ####

LONGHENG:Cambodian Farmers Enjoy Pepper Price in 2010

cambodian farmers enjoy pepper price

Cambodian farmers this year have enjoyed with pepper price that increased remarkably, forced some local farmers to grow pepper further and at the same time some farmers cut mango plantation turning to grow pepper after the pepper price increased.
Sok Meng Hun, a local pepper farmer in Da Village in Memot district of Kompong Cham province said on July 16 that the price of pepper product augmented this year. The pepper price is good recently,” he said, adding that one ton of pepper product here is worth about 3,000 US dollars and sometimes, it is more than this according to the quality of the pepper product.
“We here sold to middle dealers and they resold to Vietnam businesspeople because here is near Vietnam border, the trade is easier to do,” he told SEAW by phone from his plantation, adding that a hectare of land could gain about 5-7 tons of pepper product but it depended on the water use and ways of caring them to grow pepper plants. Some farmers here also sold retail with costing over 3 US dollar per a kilogram of pepper.
“We also faced with some insects that forced us to use some chemical and fertilizer for them to grow well,” he stresses. Some farmer here cut off their mango trees to plant pepper because it gain good price than mango. We hope next year the pepper price will increase more,” he said, adding that we planted 2-3 hectares only.
Ngoun Lay, head of Kompot Pepper Farmers’ association said that Kompot is a place producing pepper which was recognized by the international community and this pepper product in area sold well this year. “The middle dealers bought our pepper products to export to foreign markets like France, EU and US, and other,” he said, adding that in 2009, we gained 12 tons of pepper products. Farmers planted pepper at two main provinces; Kep and Kompot were listed for the geographic indicator (GI) status.
He added that one ton of black pepper is worth about 5,750 US dollars, and one ton of white pepper cost 12,250 US dollars and one ton of brown pepper for 1050 US dollars this year. And this price is only for Kompot pepper product that already listed in geographic indicator (GI) that strictly regulates every aspect of a product’s properties to assure both its high quality and regional distinctiveness and it also implemented with rules of world trade organization in protect of value of geographic area.
He said that in 2010, we collected 10 tons of Kompot pepper product and sold well this year. And we usually collected the pepper product in May. “After the price of pepper increased, the farmers also enjoyed growing pepper and they will expand more size of their land to grow pepper plantation,” he noted. Even though local farmers expressed dissatisfied with the pepper product, they gained less than their purpose.
“We are trying to get pepper product in Kompot province to 17 tons this year but unfortunately, we affected from drought and it affected to grow pepper and we do not have enough water and our pepper plants did not produce well,” he said, adding that we also have some work to do to choose seeds among qualified pepper to seek high quality. What is a unique for pepper product is aromatic and hot quality,” he said, adding that local farmers enjoyed to harvest their product when the pepper price rose year on year. “The pepper in Kompot province does not use chemical fertilizer for growing and grew it with depending on natural resources, and selected seeds, and well prepared poles for pepper plants to grow high,” he said, adding that The pepper products always get higher price than other pepper product in the country because its hot quality and aromatic pepper.
According to the history of buying pepper product from Cambodia, in 1930 almost all of the pepper consumed in France came from Indochina. Kampot pepper in particular was of exceptional quality and rapidly became ‘the spice of choice for French restaurants’. Global pepper production is slated to increase by 3 % in 2010, to 2,90,742 tons from 281,974 tons last year, said International Pepper Community (IPC) projection in its figure. IPC said that the consumption of producing nations is projected to be around 1, 10,000 annually. Pepper output in Vietnam, world’s leading producer of the spice, is expected to be around 90,000 tonne in 2010 from 100,000 tonne last year. “Some traders say that Vietnam also exports Cambodian pepper as its own,” IPC added. ###

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Candle season in Cambodia, Buddhist 2010

Candle season in Cambodia, Chul Var Sar or Tean Var Sa. Cambodians respected Buddha.

This season represents the rainy season in Kingdom. Monks do not allow going outside pagodas. Monks needs to candle to light at night time. Chal Var Sa lasts for three months.
Cambodian king offered this royal candle and statue of Buddha to Kompong Speu province. the ceremony presided over by Deputy prime minister Kong Sam Ol, representative of King. ###

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LONGHENG: Cambodia builds peace and conflict resolution for global issues

Cambodia hosts Peace building and conflict resolution in current situation of global issues

By Chhorng Long Heng

The Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC) within German Konrad Adenauer Foundation on July 6 hosted in Phnom Penh the fourth open academic forum on the “role of international relations in peace building and conflict resolution” in move for contribution to build regional and global peace, strengthening security, religious harmonization and seeking ways for confliction resolution without using forces.

Klot Thida, president of The Royal Academy of Cambodia said the forum today is very crucial because it has responded to the current situation of the world which is seeking peace building, security for all humanity.

“The main purpose of this forum will collect theory, experience, analysis, mechanisms, legal procedures and other views related to peace building, security and peace keeping and international conflict resolution in contribution with the government in dealing the conflicts with the neighboring countries with effectiveness, equity, justice, and understanding,” she added.

“This will help contribution with the government in peace building and conflict resolution that are happening in region and other areas in the world,” she said.

Ms. Rabea Brauer, representative of Konrad Adenauer Foundation said at the event that peace could not deal from one side. “It needs to join from bilateral and more multi-cooperation in peace practice and the conflict factors need to demonstrate diplomatically in conflict resolution,” She said.

Dr. Sok An, deputy prime minister and minister of the council of ministers said in closing remark that Cambodia used to walk through war civil to national reconciliation with peace stability. “We have experienced in peace building and conflict resolution, contribution of peace building through sending mine cleaners to foreign countries,” he said. He added the government set up win-win policy on the national reconciliation through urging the Khmer Rouge to abandon their stronghold with providing what they have. We have tried to integrate all conflict factors in society with ensuring all members of factors with individual safety and families, ensure land for growing crops and properties and their careers,” he added.

He also highlighted that matters from dealing tension with Thailand in listing Preah Vihear temple and border without using forces but we used international law through French-Siam treaty in 1904-1907. I believed that resolution through international law and diplomacy is the best choice for solving international confliction because this is a way that could ensure sustainability of peace, and prosperity as the UN adopted,” he stresses.

He continued that the international relation institute of RAC must continue to pay attention on the development of regional and global policy especially role of super powers such as the U.S. EU, China, and Russia that are the main factors for international relation and global stability. “Furthermore, international relation institution of RAC must study, analyze, evaluate the foreign polices of neighboring countries with Cambodia including foreign polices of Cambodia, too,” he encouraged. He added that in the next few months, the international institute of RAC with cooperation with Singaporean side will host the impact of globalization on ASEAN.

Jose De Venecia, founder and co-chairman of international conference for Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) said under the topic of role of US, EU and China for global peace: We have many regional and global issues that need to deal including religious conflicts, security, and global crisis. “The US and EU, China combined together to deal poverty, and food security. These countries and other joined together to resolve the disputed countries and turn them to development,” he added. Jose is former speaker of Philippines parliament.

Mrs. Michelle Labeen, Charge d’affaires of EU delegation in Cambodia said that today, in order to achieve peace, we need to approach underlying conflicts in a new way , and have an increased knowledge and understanding of conflicts and conflict resolution mechanism, so as to find other ways of solving problems than by threats and the use of violence. “The EU recognized its obligation towards future generation and is ready share in the responsibility for global security and for building a better world, by addressing the new global challenges,” she added.

Var Kim Hong, senior minister in charge of special mission and senior advisor to the international relation institution of RAC reported final conclusion that the forum has 17 speakers from ambassadors here, national and international guests to share views and experience, understanding with taking part over 300 national and international participants.

“This is fourth forum that organized by the international relation institution with partners in strengthening the peace building and confliction resolution in the world,” he said, adding that we also will compile all these views as document for research and study for learners. “Peace in a country will attract more investment, and contribute poverty reduction and develop the country for economic growth. Now we have peace and stability, and we are trying to turn in poverty reduction and expand further international cooperation at international stage,” he added.


Long Heng: Australians bike riders raise money for cambodian victims of human trafficking

Australian bike riders raise money for Cambodian victims for human trafficking

The Australian embassy on June 5 hosted a reception at the Australian embassy to welcome the arrival to Phnom Penh of 22 bicycle riders from Australian and the Untied States who are riding across Cambodia to raise money to promote greater public awareness of human trafficking and sexual abuse of women and children.

“These young people have been motivated to make a personal contribution to a serious global issue, many of them after reading about the heroic efforts of Somaly Mam, who is herself a survivor of sexual slavery. I am very proud of their magnificent efforts so far in raising so much money for such a worthy cause,” Ms Cochaud, Australian charge’ d’affaires said in reception ceremony inside embassy.

Ms Cochaud added that the trafficking of women and children for sexual or labor exploitation is a serious problem confronting many developing countries, including Cambodia. Australian supports several projects in the Mekong sub-region that aim to reduce the incidence of women and children trafficked and improve the protection, recovery and reintegration of women and children who have been trafficked.

Ms Cochaud highlighted that through the Australian Federal Police and Australia and AusAID, Australia has been assisting Cambodia to strengthen its legal framework to combat transnational crimes, including human trafficking, people smuggling and child sex tourism. AFP and AusAID are actively cooperating with the ministries of the interior, Justice and women’s affairs to protect victims of human trafficking and promote greater public awareness of human trafficking and sexual abuse of women and children.

Look 2 the Future’s founder, Ms Stephanie Lorenzo, a young Australian from Sydney, is participating and leading in the ride said that the two week cycling journey covering 590km through Vietnam and Cambodia was organized by “The Look 2 The Future” organization as part of its Future 10 project.

Stephanie noted that in 2009, the first future cycle had 21 riders and raised over 790,000 US dollars. This year, 22 riders have gone global and raised 150,000 US dollars to be donated Somaly Mam Foundation for a project to raise awareness about human trafficking, one of the world’s most prevalent transnational crimes.

At the reception, the Australian charge d’ affaires, Ms Fiona Cochaud and Ms Lorenzo presented, with a cheque for 150,000 US dollars from riders’ sponsor.

“We are trying to wake up raising awareness about human trafficking and stop violence on women and girls in Southeast Aia region, said Ms Stephanie Lorenzo. “We are riding under torrerial rain with hard conditions and wet. And it is very complicated but we all committed to help raise money for this work,” Stephanie added. “We are trying to make issues and urge all sides to take actions on human trafficking and protect the human rights to respect their rights,” Stephanie noted. We all condemn all kinds of human trafficking and want to see the prosecution on cases of human trafficking, Stephanie stresses.

“I hope in the next few years the situation will be better. Our commitment and project will continue to help the fund, Stephanie added. Stephanie said: project occurred after she knew girl who survived from human trafficking and that girl told me about her story. I thought that I should do something for our life to raise awareness about this matter,” Stephanie added. “We all thanked your commitment to help us and other victims especially help contribute vocational training,” said Van Sina, a senior official and victim from Somaly Mam Foundation. “Your commitment, we will not forget,” she added. ###

LONGHENG: Cambodia launches national development plan update 2009-2010

Cambodia launches national development plan update 2009-2013

The Cambodian government on July 7 launched the national strategic development plan update 2009-2013 which will serve as the fundamental policy instrument for implementation of rectangular strategic phase two in a move to boost economic growth, development of the country and conceptually responsive to current situations in the region and the world.

“We have many tasks to do including strengthen governance, fight against corruption, efficiently deliver public services and to foster a culture of transparency and accountability,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E Keat Chhon said in his opening remark of the launching ceremony in Phnom Penh.

“We have to promote deeper and more comprehensive reform programs in all sectors,” he added. He highlighted that strengthening peace, political stability, security and social order to promote the rule of law, protect human rights and dignity and multi-party democracy in order to create a conducive political and social environment for sustainable development in longer term.

“The plan also focuses on promoting and maintaining a high economic growth rate and ensuring rapid poverty reduction is high priority for all government institutions. It required not only a more and the private sector, but also more effective coordination and collaboration within and across the government ministries and the development community, particularly in key are such agriculture and rural development, and infrastructure development, irrigation and water resources management and trade facilitation,” he noted. The development will be focused on enhancing the productivity and diveristication of the agriculture sector and expansion of the education, technical and vocational training, and health services in the rural areas,” he stresses. He continued that the integration of Cambodian economy is the dynamic markets within ASEAN, GMS and Cambodia-Laos Vietnam cooperation framework on roads, railways, ports and airports, private sector development and integrate informal sector both small and medium enterprises in formal economy.

He said that the national strategy development plan Update 2009-213 is issue of budget which in difficult stage. Through this NSDP update 2009-2013, the government has set a target of 6,278 million US dollars for public sector investments to implement the government’s prioritized policies for the fourth legislature of which 4, 278 million US dollars for public sector capital investment requirements, 1 billion US dollars for providing targeted support to the development and diversification of rural economies in order to alleviate poverty in rural and remote areas and to the emergency support to mitigate the adverse impact of the global financial crisis and economic downturn to the vulnerable and the poor, 500 million US dollars for expanding social sectors services to achieve Cambodian Millennium Development goals and 500 million US dollars for strengthening the capacity of government institutions to efficiently deliver the program and services.

“I think that having in hand the national strategic development plan update 2009-2013 that is disseminated today is not sufficient for the development of our nation,”he said, adding that we still have a great deal task to accomplish and we have to implement through enhancing policy coordination with community of development partners and financiers, to strengthen governance aiming at especially fighting against corruption, as well as promoting the implementation of the deeper and the more comprehensive reform programs in all sectors, in which all works must combine in an inter-connected and cross-supporting system for the goals of socio-economic development and better natural resources and environmental management.

“All relevant ministries and institutions must prepare its own sector strategic development plan or update it through reviewing all existing and new projects and programs that supported by the domestic and foreign resources in order to ensure the alignment and linkage with priorities of the NSDP updates as well as timely preparing its public investment programs and budget estimation for its own sector to put it the three year rolling public investment program,” he said.

He continued that all provincial and municipalities must update their own provincial, municipal strategic development plan and must pay attention on formulation three year-rolling public investment program in conformity with the NSDP update 2009-2013 as a tool for implementing de-concentration, decentralization and decision making on the investment proposal that set out in the organic law on administrative management of capital provinces, municipalities, districts and Khan

“I urge multilateral and bilateral development partners as well as non-governmental organization to make sure that their assistance strategic are aligned and matched with the priorities of the NSDP update 2009-2013 and their development assistance are also aligned with the public investment programs. All development partners have to confirm that resources channeling through NGOs are in line with priorities and development goals stipulated in the NSDP update 2009-2013 and those resources must be utilized in the manner of transparency and responsibility,” he stresses.

He added that the government would like all ministries and agencies, development partners who are financing any action and project to give a high priority for carrying out period monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the action and copying those reports to ministry of planning after they have been finalized. This measure enables the ministry of planning to reflect them in the overall assessment of development progress of NSDP update 2009-2013.

He also appealed to all partners for further attention to strengthen the capacity building of the officials in preparing plan, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the national plan especially officials within the ministry of planning and involved agencies.

H.E. Chhay Than, planning minister said at the event that the NSDP update 2009-2013 as the 4th social-economic development plan is another new product for the country.

“The goal is to ensure that works to be proposed by line ministries and agencies to implement these prioritized policies are prepare taking into account potential impacts of the global financial crisis and economic downturn economic development of Cambodia,” H.E. Chhay Than sadi, adding that this plan is configured the structure of rectangular strategy phase two which covers Cambodia’s social, economic, cultural, and security sectors and specific reform measures that reflected in the 24 angels of the rectangular strategy. We thanked UNFPA for their support in this ceremony.


LONGHENG: Cambodia's garment sector will grow about 10 per cent in 2010: official

Cambodia’s Garment Workers Get Salary Increase

Cambodia’s ministry of labor and vocational training on July 8 announced that after the broad talks with representatives of employers and workers at the ministry, the committee of advisory labor decided to increase salary for all textile, garment and shoe workers on basic salary of with 5 dollars wage rising, and 6 US dollars for living conditions’ allowances across the country, starting to implement from October 1, 2010 and it will come into force until 2014 that is the next session for reviewing agreement. .

“We have agreed to increase salary for the workers to 56 US dollars per month for fresh workers in probation term, and they get only 45 US dollars as minimum salary. At the same time, we increased salary for full membership workers to 61 US dollars per month as basic salary for all of them,” H.E. Vong Suth, minister of labor and vocational training said.

“In case, the workers have worked overtime, they will get extra and bonus money in each month from employers,” he explained. The salary that decided this time is basic salary only, and the employees who get the salary through product quantity, known as counting from product, will receive wage through obvious results that they have done. The employers need to add money to the level of 56 US dollars for a month. Currently, we have about 300,000 workers and most of them are women from rural areas. “Benefits from workers could help the living conditions of their families,” he noted.

Van Sou Ieng, president of Garment Manufacturer’s Association of Cambodia (GMAC) told reporters that our workers need to work hard for productivity chain to get more money and now this industry is so very competitive in current situation of global market.

He continued: We have 230 garment manufacturers as memberships in our association and they are following the rule of international standards. The workers need to strengthen the quality of products and work faster than before to implement purchasing order for buyers. The representatives from workers demanded salary increase too high, we as employers could not afford. “When they could not afford, they will leave Cambodia to invest at other countries,” he said. Their demand is injustice for employers,” he added. He highlighted that now; we reached to agree on the decision from government, majority from representatives of employees and employers on basic salary of 61$ per month for workers.

Meas Sophea, senior official of trade unit for commerce ministry said that we have to consider about the benefits for workers if the employers and investors left here to other countries, our workers will lay off job and they faced with living condition’s difficulties. “We also will lose benefits for workers and the benefits of country. “Some serious reaction from union leaders for increasing salary, it has made employers to go where else that they could earn from the business,” he noted. He stressed that in the sixth month of this year, garment product was exported to foreign market increase to 11 per cent; especially we exported to US markets, and EU. He hinted that purchasing order from buyers for the whole year totally will be increased about 10 per cent if comparing in 2009. The space for growing garment product for our country is only 10 per cent is very narrow; the buyers let us know. “Mostly garment product this year will go the United States , he said, adding that we still decreased if comparing with previous years. In 2009, Cambodia got 2,658 million US dollar and in 2008 for 3,158 million US dollar from garment sector.

The garment sector is in fragile situation after it is in competitiveness from other countries in global market.” he noted. “I want employers to increase more than today because food and price of house also is higher,” Yong Cheng, a garment worker at Stung Mean. Salary is very difficult for living daily,” she said. Union leaders asked for 93 US dollars per month for basic salary of garment workers. on Tuesday, thousands of workers conducted strike to demand high salary to support daily living.


LONGHENG: Cambodia marks world population day 2010, in 2025, cambodians will be over 17 million

Cambodia marks 21st World Population Day with focusing on women’s potential and health

Samdech Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen has send a message to join the celebration of the 21st anniversary of world population day with continuously paying attention on the women’s potential and health in families and social development.

He said that the world population day this year celebrated under the theme of Great potential for Women in development”.

“This theme is really provided the benefits and responded to the obvious activities for women both present and future in social and economic affairs. The celebration of the event will be contributed in enhancing and reminding people from all corners to continuously make efforts further for the cause of women in society and economy especially making effort to find ways for resolution related to the population growth that has affected to the development,” he said.

He highlighted that due July11, 2010, population in the whole world is about 6,855 million and will be able to rise to 7, 000 million at the end of 2011. In every second, 4-5 babies in average were born on the planet and a woman could be able to deliver 2-3 babies in average between 2005 and 2010 across the world. At the same time, the women living in developed countries had about one or two children and the women living at developing countries had 4-5 children.

He continued that within the ability to give birth, the number of babies was born estimated 130 million for each year. According to statistics, about 50 million people died of other factors including half million of women dying related to pregnancy and delivering babies in each year. Accordance with data, the population in the world every year will increase about 80 million, which are the challenging matters in the future.

He stresses that for Cambodia, the total population rose to 13.4 million in 2008 and on July 11, 2010, it will have 14.3 million with population growth rate about 1.55 per cent in each year and Cambodia families has 3-4 children in average. So, in 2025, Cambodian people could increase to 17.5 million. “We have many social issues that need to jointly deal,” he noted.

He said that women are mother of the society and are necessary resources for the process in building and developing the country. Currently, not only Cambodia but the whole world also, the contributions from women in development still have problematic questions and obviously, these issues has not paid attention on setting up millennium development goals in 2000. Especially, the women role in development turned as topic of the celebration of world population for the past three years subsequently.

He highlighted that the contribution for all people in social activities depended on the health primarily. Women has one natural duty that the men could not replace is that pregnancy and delivering and this difficulties will make women face with matter of health that demanded time, nutrition, and care properly.

"Currently, we have noted that the women actively contributed in social affairs as men did. The potential of women is valued resources for social development and freedom of expression. We have continuously supported and provided the opportunities, encouraged them to take part in national development,” he stresses.

He said that the Cambodian government also added the women issues in the national policy. As a result, number of women got the education increased from primary to higher education subsequently. Literacy rate of women from 15 years old up, it increased to 57 per cent in 1998 and 71 per cent in 2008.

"We also reformed administrative authorities with appointing women for positions from grass root level to senior positions like lawmakers, senators and urged them to take part for political and social affairs for serving the country and expressed their voice,” he explained. The theme this year also will contribute to developing human resources and fostering the economic and social development and reducing poverty as quick as possible,” he emphasized. ###

Monday, July 12, 2010

LONGHENG: Cambodia PM proposes emergency meeting of ASEAN to deal with swine flu

By, Long Heng

PHNOM PENH, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen Wednesday proposed to hold an emergency meeting of ASEAN countries to seek measures against the deadly swine influenza outbreak.

"We should have an emergency meeting among the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, if possible, to take actions against the deadly swine flu," he told a student graduation ceremony of the National Institute of Education in Phnom Penh.

Thailand has to play the role of chairman for this meeting, he said, adding that currently Thailand is the chair country of ASEAN.

"We have to find measures to prevent and fight against this fast spread of pig flu," he said.

We also need to seek ways to prevent this epidemic from affecting bilateral trade among the regional countries, if it occurs in one of them, he added.

Meanwhile, the premier appealed to the local people not to panic over swine flu, as pork is still edible if properly cooked.

However, people with high body temperature must wear masks and rush to hospital, he said, adding that "Cambodia has weak facilities, but our spirit is strong."

The Ministry of Health (MoH) will require any citizen or foreign visitor, who are suspected of catching this illness, not to fly to other countries, he said.

"We will take him to hospital for treatment," he added.

In addition, the premier confirmed that there is no sign of swine flu occurrence among pigs and human beings in Cambodia, adding that the government has not adopted any ban on pork importation from its neighboring countries.

Also on Wednesday, Sem Sovan, secretary general of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries, told Xinhua that the ministry has been closely tracking the development of swine flu since it was first found in other countries.

"We selected some samples from the pig farms across our own country to test for swine flu, but up to now, we don't spot any sign of it. There are no suspected cases of swine flu on pigs in Cambodia at all," he added.

In the mean time, Ly Sovan, deputy director of the Anti-communicable Disease Department of MoH, also testified this updated information made public by the premier and the secretary general.

"At the airports, our unit is monitoring the passengers who traveled here from the affected countries," he added.

The government installed a thermal scanner at the Phnom Penh International Airport on Tuesday and another one at the Siem Reap International Airport on Wednesday.

These two terminals are the only international airports in the kingdom. A third airport is situated in Sihanouk province, but only serves domestic flights.

In 2007, over two million foreign visitors arrived in Cambodia.

On Monday, The World Health Organization (WHO) and MoH issued a joint statement late Monday, saying that "medical clinics are asked to immediately report any unusual influenza like illness cases to MoH. WHO Western Pacific Regional Office is closely monitoring the situation in the region and has activated its outbreak and emergency management protocols," it said.

In addition, "Cambodia has increased its surveillance for unusual respiratory illness in hospitals, health centers and airport," it said."While there is no vaccine against this type of influenza, there are a range of possible treatments although it is not yet clear which will be most appropriate," it said."Cambodia has prepared stockpiles of various resources, including medication to treat viral illness, and has access to additional regional supplies if required," it added.Meanwhile, according to Sok Touch, director of the Anti-communicable Disease Department of MoH, the ministry will use the existing equipment and system nationwide for combating bird flu to monitor swine flu.The ministry will cooperate with WHO to take actions on the pig-farming industry if necessary, but the very next step will focus on travelers from the infected areas, he added.

So far, swine influenza has killed 159 people in Mexico, led to68 human contamination cases in U.S., and affected altogether 23 countries in the world.
