Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LONGHENG: Cambodia marks world population day 2010, in 2025, cambodians will be over 17 million

Cambodia marks 21st World Population Day with focusing on women’s potential and health

Samdech Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen has send a message to join the celebration of the 21st anniversary of world population day with continuously paying attention on the women’s potential and health in families and social development.

He said that the world population day this year celebrated under the theme of Great potential for Women in development”.

“This theme is really provided the benefits and responded to the obvious activities for women both present and future in social and economic affairs. The celebration of the event will be contributed in enhancing and reminding people from all corners to continuously make efforts further for the cause of women in society and economy especially making effort to find ways for resolution related to the population growth that has affected to the development,” he said.

He highlighted that due July11, 2010, population in the whole world is about 6,855 million and will be able to rise to 7, 000 million at the end of 2011. In every second, 4-5 babies in average were born on the planet and a woman could be able to deliver 2-3 babies in average between 2005 and 2010 across the world. At the same time, the women living in developed countries had about one or two children and the women living at developing countries had 4-5 children.

He continued that within the ability to give birth, the number of babies was born estimated 130 million for each year. According to statistics, about 50 million people died of other factors including half million of women dying related to pregnancy and delivering babies in each year. Accordance with data, the population in the world every year will increase about 80 million, which are the challenging matters in the future.

He stresses that for Cambodia, the total population rose to 13.4 million in 2008 and on July 11, 2010, it will have 14.3 million with population growth rate about 1.55 per cent in each year and Cambodia families has 3-4 children in average. So, in 2025, Cambodian people could increase to 17.5 million. “We have many social issues that need to jointly deal,” he noted.

He said that women are mother of the society and are necessary resources for the process in building and developing the country. Currently, not only Cambodia but the whole world also, the contributions from women in development still have problematic questions and obviously, these issues has not paid attention on setting up millennium development goals in 2000. Especially, the women role in development turned as topic of the celebration of world population for the past three years subsequently.

He highlighted that the contribution for all people in social activities depended on the health primarily. Women has one natural duty that the men could not replace is that pregnancy and delivering and this difficulties will make women face with matter of health that demanded time, nutrition, and care properly.

"Currently, we have noted that the women actively contributed in social affairs as men did. The potential of women is valued resources for social development and freedom of expression. We have continuously supported and provided the opportunities, encouraged them to take part in national development,” he stresses.

He said that the Cambodian government also added the women issues in the national policy. As a result, number of women got the education increased from primary to higher education subsequently. Literacy rate of women from 15 years old up, it increased to 57 per cent in 1998 and 71 per cent in 2008.

"We also reformed administrative authorities with appointing women for positions from grass root level to senior positions like lawmakers, senators and urged them to take part for political and social affairs for serving the country and expressed their voice,” he explained. The theme this year also will contribute to developing human resources and fostering the economic and social development and reducing poverty as quick as possible,” he emphasized. ###

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