Wednesday, July 28, 2010

LONGHENG: Cambodia eyes on “one province, one university”

Cambodia eyes on “one province, one university”

Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on July 19 expressed his ambition to build one university for one province in a move to expand the education system and promote human resources in development of the country.

“To realize the target of “one province, one university”, we must promote the education and training of professional skills that are highly suitable for local and rural development such as agriculture, rural development, agro-industry, health, enterprise management and others. so that the graduates can further take part in local development, that is “development human resource in the province for provincial development” Samdech Prime Minister said in his address at conferment of degrees and diplomas of Svay Rieng university, which was built in 2006. We are trying to push schools nearby people to be easy for them to learn and help develop the society and communities,” he stresses. He stated one of four Cambodians is a student currently.

“We must ensure that provincial graduates acquire the right knowledge, skills and techniques, more importantly national conscious and will. Particularly, we must encourage them to learn and work with government institutions, private sector and civil society that could be in the form of internship, thesis writing, or workshop participation,” Samdech added. Samdech also expressed his sincere thanks for charitable activities of national conscience that will be remembered and recorded in the history. This exemplary inspire the present and future generations to contribute in socio-economic development and ensure sustainable and equitable education for everyone in the society and give them hope in life.

He added: I take great pride in the achievements of the education sector, both in terms of quantity and quality. Along with this, we have implemented the Law on Education adopted on December 8, 2007 and other supporting policies and strategies such as the Education Strategic Plan and the Education Sector Support Program 2009-2010. Moreover, I strongly support the Development Plan for Higher Education Teachers and Administrative Officers, Single Framework for Curriculum Development and Accreditation, Action Plan for Promoting the Use of Information System in the Management of Higher Education, and the Plan for transforming all Public Higher Education Institutions into Independent Public Entity.
“Through this, I strongly believe that higher education institutions will be able to make a significant progress, both in terms of quantity and quality, and gain international recognition to welcome foreign students,” he noted. This progress indeed cannot be achieved without the Royal Government’s clear vision and action plans, joint efforts among all stakeholders including support from development partners, national and international organizations, the private sector and especially the public.
“I observe the present trend of building universities in municipalities and provinces to provide education services on-site such as the University of Battambang, Meanchey University, Chea Sim Kamchay Mea University, the Svay Rieng University and so forth, he said, adding that I think we should encourage and provide our full support for the establishment of new universities within other municipalities and provinces to provide on-site education to reduce spending of sending their children to distant higher education institutions and to realize the vision of “one province, one university”.

He also request the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, the municipal and provincial authorities and relevant institutions to work on quality improvement in those higher education institutions to produce skilled, qualified and ethical workers. “I would like to request municipal/provincial authorities, district authorities and commune/sangkat authorities to provide employment opportunities to local youths so that they can take part in the development effort, Samdech said.

He also said that Youths are comparable to bamboo shoots, as they will become the country’s future leaders and officials. This requires them to study hard on technical skill and respect ethical rules. Youths must remember there is no an end to education because of constant technological change. In this connection, they must work hard and be active for all kinds of work, understand management philosophy as well as politics, economics and social issues. “I think they will be an important component of development as most educated youths are now assuming important positions, with full of potential and energy,” he added.

He also encouraged students to learn. “You must adhere to the concept of “Endless Learning” by all means to become wise, rational and ethical resource in the society. I strongly believe you will apply and adapt your knowledge and know-how into real work and adhere to ethical codes in the pursuit of self and social development,” he said. ####

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