Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cambodia wraps up command post exercise of Angkor sentinel 2010

Cambodia wraps up command post exercise of Angkor Sentinel 2010

Cambodia on July 23 wrapped up the command post exercise which is a part of “Angkor sentinel 201with achieving successfully in training human resources in promotion for the forthcoming peacekeeping missions.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of common post exercise, H.E Prak Sokhonn, minister attached to the prime minister and secretary of state for the council of minister and chairman of the GPOI-10 commission said that we have successfully achieved our exercise with the concepts and objectives of CPX training as scheduled and this one of the great achievement of the GPOI-10 mission training exercise –Angkor sentinel 2010.
“We thanked you all that supported us as hosting country for this military exercise. We need to continuously keep our relationship in spirit of maintaining peaceful world and safety for all,” H.E. Prak Sokhonn told the hundred of participants at a hotel in Phnom Penh.

Lt.Gen Nem Sowath, chief of general department of political affairs and foreign affairs and chairman of the common post exercise (CPX) sub-commission said in ceremony that the CPX has been conducted from July 12 to July 23, 2010 which is part of the GPOI-10 common plan.

The members of participated countries and forces have changed a little bit compared to the organized plan which included sixteen countries, five observing countries and two international organizations due to the two countries were absent. However, the number of participated military increased from 137 to 167 since the number of observers has been increased and some of them became as officials participants. He added the training exercise processes has been successfully conducted with the CPX concepts as scheduled with UN standard training module for the level of staff officer training included the UN system and mission structure and staff, UN integrated mission planning, media in PKO, international humanitarian law, and ICRC, lessons learnt of the RCAF from UN peace support operations, UN standard operation procedure, rule of engagement and UN logistics, public information in PKO, intelligence in UNPKO, affected and vulnerable populations, international humanitarian actors, disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration. “More than that we also conducted experience sharing on the win –win policy in Cambodia and the Somalia peace keeping experience –lecturing as well,” he said, adding that the training was strictly conducted with great consideration of obligation for UNPKO. “We have also manage more than 80 role players ranging from force commander, deputy force commander, chief of staff, personnel, operation, logistic, plan, communication, civil military, legal officer to public information officer for responding to their work roles and hierarchy by abide by the indicated laws and regulations of the U. this means that we have taken the UN jobs to perform in order to get the UN recognition,” he highlighted, noting during the full -12 day, the 167 military officers have closely communicated with each other like a family. That is, obligation in the CPX exercise demonstrated the strong commitment and high responsibility for achieving the common goal aiming at absorbing the know -how knowledge for solving conflicts and building humanitarian concepts in the future UNPKO missions. Even scheduled time was over for listening to the lecture Lt Gen. Montgomery sharing his experience about 1993 operations in Somalia (UNISOM), everyone was still with him in getting such great experience. This really reflected the great obedience and order of all military officers in the exercise. We all thanked Co-partner USPACOM for their support, he added.

“It will never be possible to say the problem of establishing unity in any allied command is even completely solved. This problem involves the human equation and must be day by day. Patience, tolerance, frankness, absolute honest in all dealings, particularly with all persons of the opposite nationality, and firmness, are absolute essential… never permit any problem to be approached in your staff on the basis of national interest..,” Dwight D.Hower, a senior military officer said, adding that The multi –national leader skill set focus on leader competency, courage and character, vision and guidance, interpersonal skills- personal relationships count, and an effective communicator, a team builder –cohesion and consensus, -atmosphere of trust and confidence, adaptive leader style, mission –type orders when possible –a reasonable risk taker. All these based on the UN strategic leadership for peacekeeping mission. “We have some challenges within a combined staff, no common language, and no common doctrine, interoperability. Differing staff techniques, sharing information and intelligence, keeping “secrets” secret and our different military cultures, national political influences exists, building and maintaining consensus,” he added.

Jin Kwan Jung, a senior military official from South Korea, peace keeping center told SEAW that this is the first we came to Cambodia, and the process of command post exercise conducted very well and it has done, he said. Cambodia officials are well -prepared for this event from the before, starting event and after the event. “I do hope this exercise this will help strengthen the cooperation between Cambodia and South Korea and other countries that joined in exercise,” he noted. Military and military, people and people will know each other further from this exercise,” Jung added.

In the countries send their senior officials to join the CPX including Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, hosting Cambodia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam, and other two international organizations. ###

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