Sunday, June 13, 2010


Cambodia and donor partners will organize a conference on fighting against human trafficking and protect the rights of migration in region, the statement from UN to Cambodia said on Tuesday.
Guidelines on safe migration are a basic requirement to prevent vulnerable people from falling victim to human trafficking. This is the topic of a major event this week in Phnom Penh, where more than 100 Cambodian safe migration and counter-trafficking practitioners are coming together to step up the fight against human trafficking and unsafe migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region countries,” HUOT Vichheka Information Analyst, United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP)said.
The three-day international conference entitled “Mobility Patterns of Cambodian and other Nationals in the South-east Asian Region” opens tomorrow in Phnom Penh, the statement added.
Conference participants include government representatives, international organizations, non-government organizations, community groups, and former migrants themselves.
The theme of the conference is “Movement of Cambodian people and its negative consequences within South-east Asia,” with daily topics on: identities of migrants, facing challenges, and opportunities and solutions. The conference aims to share knowledge and practices on safe migration and anti-trafficking measures and interventions for migrant populations from Cambodia and neighboring countries in order to produce applicable recommendations to government’s representatives and civil society organizations.
Keynote speakers from Australia, Cambodia, India, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, are presenting at the conference on the themes of migration flows, human trafficking practices, law enforcement policies, prosecution of traffickers and protection of victims of trafficking.
These presentations will provide participants with an opportunity to consider different migration scenarios and think about better strategies to address migration challenges within the South-east Asian region.
“Motivating government officials, counter-trafficking practitioners and concerned people to address migration challenges in and outside the country and to find together ways to address the negative consequences of migration including fighting human trafficking and exploitation is needed to end the suffering of many people and especially children in this region,” said Mr. John Vijghen, the conference chairman.
Human trafficking is a serious crime involving the cheating or deceiving of people into sexual servitude or labour for the purpose of exploitation. It is unclear exactly how many Cambodians are victims of this crime, but experts agree that the numbers are high.
“The safe migration recommendations we will make at this conference will help reduce the incidence of human trafficking and other forms of migration-related exploitation that occurs in our country and beyond,” said Mr. Lim Tith of UNIAP Cambodia.
The conference has been organized by the North East Research Group (NERG), which is made up of the Chab Dai Coalition, the NGO Coalition to Address (Sexual) Exploitation of Children in Cambodia (COSECAM), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Oxfam Quebec, the Asia Foundation and UNIAP, with support from the European Commission. ###

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