Sunday, June 13, 2010

Japan and development aid in Cambodia in 2010

Japan clarified develolopment aid in Cambodia
Japanese ODA volume towards Cambodia indicated at the 3rd CDCF 

  The embassy of Japan in Cambodia announced on June 11 that the 3rd Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) recently was a great success, as the meeting was coordinated in such a way that the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Development Partners had frank and constructive dialogue on the progress of NSDP and Cambodian Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs) as well as the current issues of development. In the 3rd CDCF, the RGC was commended by many Development Partners for the development and progress made in recent years, although there are still many areas which require cooperation and assistance from external sources. 

  “The CDCF is not a pledging conference. The Development Partners did not “pledge” but “indicated” the volume of aid for 2010-2012. Japan “indicated” around 131 million US dollars annually for the next three years. Japan has been the biggest donor since 1992,”it said, adding that Japan , as a country which has close and friendly relations with Cambodia , remains committed to its economic and social development for the benefits of Cambodian people. Japan has been providing assistance for the MDGs including education, health, water supply, and other sectors as well as the sectors related with economic development on infrastructures, agriculture, and others in a balanced way. Japan is also providing assistance for cross-sectoral issues such as legal and judicial assistance, climate change and gender issues. 

  “The fields of assistance and specific programs and projects are decided through consultations between Japan and Cambodia annually, based on the Japanese official development aid (ODA) policy, as well as country assistance program, and the Cambodian development policy,” it said. 

 Last week, development partners and the government met and discussed and final session. Deputy prime minister and minister of economy and finance Keat Chhon told reporters that the development partners agreed provide about 1.1 billion US dollars for Cambodia in implementing the budget project of national development plan in 2010. At that time, the national assembly also approved 6.2 billion budget project for implementing the national strategic development plan from 2009-2013. According to this national plan in 2009-2013, Cambodia needs about over one billion from grant assistance from development partners. 

 The assistance is contributing for poverty reduction and building physical infrastructure in country to provide benefits for local people in framework of equity, employment, efficiency and growth. And the government has always focused on the water, electricity, and roads, and bridges to facilitate the needs of local people and ensure the development with sustainability in the country. 
“If the government is not performing well in previous years, the development partners will not provide assistance for us,” Samdehc Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen said on June 9 in graduation ceremony of a university in Phnom Penh . 

  Heng Ratana, director general of Cambodian Mine Action center said that this year his agency will get 10 million US dollars from development partners and a part from contribution is from Japan . “The assistance did not include the price of materials that friendly country will provide this year,” he said, adding that the assistance will play important role for implementing in Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs). ###

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