Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cambodian DPM Men Sam An got WHO Awards for fighting against Tobacco

WHO hands over award to Cambodian DPM Men Sam An

The world health organization announced on May 27 that it appointed Cambodian permanent deputy prime minister Men Sam An for handing over the award for her role in participation in fighting against tobacco and for general –specific tobacco control strategies and the full participation of women in tobacco control measures.
Dr Shin Young‑soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific announced the World No Tobacco Day 2010 awardees for the Western Pacific Region. They are: Sam An Men, Deputy Prime Minister, Cambodia; Professor Wu Yiqun, Director, Think Tank Research Center for Health Development, China; Professor Xu Guihua, Vice-President, Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, China; Ms Vilaythong MangNormek, Director‑General, Lao Women’s Union, Ministry of Public Security, Lao People’s Democratic Republic; and Professor Dr Le Thi Tuyet Lan, Head of Respiratory Care Center, University Hospital, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
“I just knew about that information and WHO will hand over that award for me on May 30,” Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An told the Southeast Asia weekly on May 27. This year the world health organization will celebrate the world no tobacco day under theme of Gender and Tobacco with an Emphasis on Marketing to Women”.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control calls for gender‑specific tobacco control strategies and the full participation of women in tobacco control measures. And The World Health Organization (WHO) also called on countries to protect women and girls from efforts by the tobacco industry to induce them to start smoking.

“Governments need to undertake bold measures to counter constant and aggressive targeting of females as a new market to replace those people in the West who quit or die prematurely from cancer, heart disease and strokes, the statement from the WHO said.
Dr Shin Young‑soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, warned that smoking and chewing of tobacco among women and girls is increasing in Asia and the Pacific. It is estimated that more than 8% of girls between 13 and 15 years of age, or around 4.5 million girls, are using tobacco products. "Starting early results in addiction that later translates to a life of nicotine dependence, poor health and premature death," he said.
Dr Shin said comprehensive bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship are needed to protect women and girls from deceptive messages that portray smoking as glamorous or fashionable. The truth is, smoking is ugly and harmful to health. Currently, only half of the countries in the Western Pacific have complete bans on advertising.
Dr Shin warned that smokers should not be tricked into believing that cigarettes that are labelled as "lite/light", "mild" or "slim" are safer or less harmful. "Misleading cigarette descriptors are meant to conceal the fact that all cigarettes contain 4000 hazardous chemicals and 60 known carcinogens. No cigarette is safe or less harmful," Dr Shin said.
Close to half of all women in the Western Pacific Region are exposed to second‑hand smoke in their homes or in the workplace. Second‑hand smoke has been classified as a carcinogen in several countries and is known to cause lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory conditions.
Yet, women and girls are sometimes forced to endure second‑hand smoke because of cultural and social norms.
According to report from health ministry, Cambodia lost millions of US dollars from smoking cigarette and treating tobacco related illness and ruins. Cambodia also issued the warning message on cigarette about the danger of tobacco. Health ministry also raised awareness about the danger for local people.
“SMOKING among young women and girls in Southeast Asia continues to rise at an alarming rate, the direct result, regional anti-tobacco advocates say, of deliberate, focused marketing by the global tobacco industry.”Women in Southeast Asia are doubly targeted by tobacco companies," says Ms. Bungon Ritthiphakdee, director of the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) told the Southeast Asia by email interview. She sad that public exposure to tobacco advertising and promotion is highest in Cambodia and Indonesia (over 70 percent) where there are no bans, and in the Philippines where only a partial ban is in place. Findings from the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia also show that exposure to tobacco advertising increases the likelihood of smoking by 200 to 300 percent. 16 percent of girls in the Philippines and 15 percent of girls in Indonesia were exposed to promotional activities such as offering free cigarettes, and are more likely to smoke than those who were not.

The report from world health organization said that as many as three-quarters of all men in some Southeast Asian countries smoke cigarettes, but fewer than 20 percent of the region's women ever pick up the habit. While about half of older Cambodian women chew tobacco, only about 4 percent of them smoke, compared to nearly half of all men in the country. The study of WHO conducted from 2005 to 2006, involved about 14,000 adult Cambodians nationwide.

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