Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cambodian veterans in 2010

Government increases salary sponsor for veterans At the celebration of 3rd anniversary of the association of Cambodians veterans, Samdech Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen said on June 21 at the national institute of education in Phnom Penh that after subsequent reform of fund for veterans, the government decided to provide 20 per cent increase of salary sponsor on basic salary like other civil servants and armed forces. “Currently, the government are taking care for veterans and provide equality for our veterans without thanking about their past works,” prime minister said. He also appealed to the buyers of burden books for getting salary of veterans to turn back the book. He explained that some veterans sold their burden books for getting salary to other people because they want to get salary as whole. He also ordered all stakeholders to eliminate swelling number of veterans to save state money. We should be clear for number of veterans and eliminate the ghost veterans,” he said, adding that ghost veterans have names in getting salary only but it doe not exist in real life. He urged the involved ministries to visit soldiers and disabled people and veterans who stayed the hospitals to provide the heartfelt attention and build the sentiments with them and encourage for their conscience for serving the nation and homeland in the past years. He ordered media system to broadcast largely about the achievements that disabled people and veterans succeeded in the past years. He recommended local authorities to take care of veterans who met their difficulties in their communities without discrimination of political tendencies and groups in the past. H.E. Ith Samheng, minister of social works, veteran and youth rehabilitation and he also is secretary general of association of veteran said that Prime Minister Hun Sen is president of the association of Cambodian Veteran according to the vote in the extraordinary general assembly of the association of veteran across the country in June 20. The celebration of third anniversary of the association is very meaningful for Cambodian veterans and Cambodians. “Today event made Cambodian people remember the great sacrifice of our veteran heroes who devoted their fresh blood and lives to protect the national, people and sovereignty of the country in all phases of destiny of eth country,” Minister said. The minister added that the country passed through from the prosperity to darkness in the Khmer Rouge regime and to current situation with peaceful and political stability under win—win policy setting up by Samdech Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen. Under the win -win policy, the Cambodian troops from all side of conflicts could integrate as one national forces.“The government has paid attention on the work of the veteran within implementing the national policy for veterans in purpose of gratitude for our heroes and we also resolved the living conditions, budget, and materials subsequently as well as providing honors and protection of the dignity of our veteran according to the national economic situation.” The minister noted. “We provided the social land and build households for our veterans and their families and we also created many projects for upgrading the living conditions of soldiers and veteran. We always considered providing extra sponsor including their salary increase for our soldiers and veterans,” he said. He added that in 2010, about 90,605 families for all kinds of veterans are getting sponsor policy from the government and other members of their families also got sponsor salary. We spent about over 1.65 million US dollars for them. The Minister state: We are preparing the royal decree on social security fund for veterans and sub-decree on national treasury fund for veteran. As president of association of veterans, Samdech Techo Prime minister Hun Sen offered 300 houses for disabled people in Takean Koh Sla in Kompot-Kompong Speu provinces with fund of over one million US dollar and other 66 houses for the center of veterans and disabled development in Siem Reap province, and 100 houses at the local communities to facilitate the difficulties for veterans and disabled people. Samdech Techo Prime Minister always cared about the living condition of veterans and disabled people. Currently, the association has 90,605 members, and has 25,000 US dollar fund to help veteran to develop their jobs and living conditions, and we helped 719 families of death veterans with 1,000 US dollars for each family,” The minister added. He continued that the association adopted three principles for work such as building good living condition for family, joining to develop local communities and to join to decide the direction of the association to achieve its target. He said that the association of veterans and ministry of social work, veterans and youth rehabilitation have co-operated each other to train vocational training, and social concession land. “The association strengthened friendship cooperation with associations for veterans from Vietnam, Laos and China and ASEAN. In April 2010, the association of Cambodian veterans becomes full member of the Association of ASEAN veterans in Jakarta capital of Indonesia. We also signed the MOU of cooperation with Vietnam and Laos,” the minister stresses. He said that the association of Cambodian veterans chose deputy prime minister and minister of National defense Tea Banh, Permanent deputy prime minister Men Sam On as deputy president respectively. ###

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