Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cambodian youth in Cambodiam red cross

Pin Chamnan, former rector of Royal Univerity of Phnom Penh.

Youth of Cambodia Red Cross strengthens capacity building and humanitarian mission Cambodian Red Cross become main role for helping victims of natural disaster and contribute to helping society through deploying its youth forces to provide humanitarian services to help victims and June 22, the youth of Cambodian Red cross conducted second congress to strengthen capacity building and humanitarian mission. “We thanked all youth that contributed that valued time to join with Cambodian Red Cross in humanitarian mission in helping society and vulnerable,” Lok Chumteave Bun Rany Hun Sen president of CRC said in closing ceremony of congress. “Now CRC youth are getting attention from the communities and CRC youth forces are loved from the general publics for the work of humanitarian services,” she noted. In closing ceremony of the congress of CRC youth, H.E Pin Chamnan, former rector of the Royal Univeirty of Phnom Penh and current the secretary of state for ministry of education, youth and sports was chosen from the youth members in the second of congress of CRC and he becomes a central member of the youth CRC movement for the five year term.Lok chum teav Bun Rany highlighted currently, international movement of red cross and red crescent in the world, youth considered as core forces in the movement and currently it has 50 million youth in its movement and they are joining actively to deal big challenging matters such as starvation, violence, communicable diseases, AIDS/HIV, natural disaster and poverty, orphans, road accidents, drug, alcohol drink, human rights and human trafficking, gambling and race discrimination. “Youth have to join eliminating the negative impact from globalization and other inactive issues in society to turn other to be good people with decency and ability, and protect the dignity of eth country,” she added. According to report from CRC, In 2010, we have 14676 remembers (6.675 female members) in youth moment for Cambodian Red Cross and 497 youth advisors (126 female advisors) and we have youth network across the country within 35 primary schools, 53 junior high school, and 113 high schools, and 14 university in country. It continued that Red Cross needs to implement humanitarian with mission that aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of nay kind. Aid priorities are calculated on the basis of need alone.It added that Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint, and we shall endeavor not to act as instruments of government foreign policy, and we shall respect culture and customs, we shall attempt to build disaster response on local capacities. It noted that ways shall be found to involve program beneficiaries in the management of relief aid, and relief aid must strive to reduce future vulnerabilities to disaster as well as meeting basic needs, we hold ourselves accountable to both those, we shall recognize disaster victims as dignities human, not hopeless objects. “The core program areas of CRC youth can be training on community based disaster preparedness (CBDP), disaster risk reduction and management, HIV/AIDS, road safety, land mine awareness, peer education and other facing issues in Cambodia amongst Cambodian young people. They will also receive training in youth leadership core areas in order to provide good management skills to this group,” the report of CRC said. It added that the youth in Cambodia is a potential rice human resource and key asset for the development of Cambodia, in which more than 50 per cent of the population in under the age of 30. They are in a unique age group accustomed to innovated skills, inter-cultural sensitivity and peer to- peer facilitation. They are motivated towards servicing and helping others with high levels of the enthusiasm, energy, and creativity which is complementary to the older generations. “The young people working along side older people in a spirit of mutual respect, is also crucial to the inter-generation transfer of experience that is vital to both progress and stability in the society,” it stresses. It states: The young people can also take up a key leadership role in inspiring changes of mindsets, behaviors and attitudes in their local communities. With these tremendous advantages of young people, the CRC under leadership of Lokchumteave Bun Rany Hun Sen, president of the CRC, has intensified the attention and efforts to develop young Cambodian people to become qualified and experience and resource person with a humanitarian spirit to contribution to the growth of Cambodia. Cambodia Red Cross is the leading humanitarian organization in Cambodia, established on 18th February 1955. In its strategy 2020, youth in Cambodia has been recognized as one of the most significant and active forces to the overall volunteer resources pool within the CRC to enhance the capacity to assist the most vulnerable people in the communities “saving lives, changing minds,”###

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